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i al Muth bee ied Lie ICE eA Es ‘Toe Imperial ntanteyman’ pling Primer bas en write, pape ad proded by oder the Lord General Mitt fou Emperor ius Imperial Gardin conjuction wth the Dipartimento Yuntorum.Dypacient Admintratum and Governor Kar Dah Ulin Segmentum. The Benton ofthe Emperor, pttion See nd Upltng rede oral Infante as ben witen prepared ad roduc bythe mot oly er of he Misra, incomplete and diet aneordance with Un ms ight and reins npr Cred, Lax ation DEDCVI prene Print the Emperor Own Pr en Uma Labrie. ‘This revised dition fst published 45.941 This document supeeds be XV tion to arcommoie evs eral dogma (eoeamenmens) ‘Th Imperial Guard Hadbook th centrale ina i of pubis wich contin sppoved ore and sar latl practin rom othe cements lth Teri Guar, Aeptae oskascws, Lope Titancue andthe Grand espera Nay, ae down inthe Tat prim ‘A camprehensireit ofthe mater cab rr from the Daparttents Muster, ‘There document cant oq only bythe with the maoway ned and lstnce eve Anyone caught trying bain thee dcameats who dow ot ld he evan deta wl ‘detained on charger of png. ad wl fat meine eertion pistRinwTion Araningampe— sete HO ‘eal 1V Al Sno stall el. cade 168) ‘ale ‘Author Matt Ralphs Graphic Design and Layout Darius Hinks & Dan Drane Producer Mare Gaseaigne Iustrations Dave Allsop, Alex Boyd, Nell Hodgson, Kat KopinsKl, Mat Ralphs, 1 Graham So ‘Thanks Dan Abnt, Tom Brown, Andy Chambers, Tony Catrll, Peer Haines, ‘Graham MeNel, Vince Rospond & Tanya Tay ‘nace eso Fe pts ne W203 BL bi Gnesi ‘Gross ear NG? aE Ux Samer Wonahp Ld Saas aed Bc Usa a ny Bick Fine 8 ang. Gans Von, Gu Wi SS hac Sure ara are Harr ean {eos UX e's snd ews Mighercacd a HY ‘nla tect Ley a racic race bo Garni ate apes mney ‘Steam tacos cae un, Cama ROL fea a ses ms Peal se FOREWORD ‘By Lord Genera Militant Husiow ‘on are soier inthe Imperial Guard. You stand with billions of others in the great et army that has ever existed, bathed by the biliant light of the Golden Throne with ‘chance of immortality that i the gt ofa glorious death. I is the highest honour to ft in these came iusrious ranks which have produced some ofthe mos exalted heroes the Imperiam has ever known. You responsibility, and that of your comrades, istoblp ensure that ove magnifient Imperium is defended from its enemies. You will, site our foes wherever you find them, with the fervent passion and fury of these ‘eros ofthe past "This book has been produced to instruct you in your diffieult transition from your previous life to one serving inthe military, The life ofa soldier is harsh and untorgv ing, You wll abour ard and find yourself pushed to your limits. You wil be rained in min, body and oul Yo be the warrior that the immortal Emperor expects youo be. ‘You might think you ae sacrificing much by doing this. But consider the sterifies which have been made for you! Our Immoral Emperor foreted more, renounced more nd surrendered more than ix possible for you town ‘stand, all to ensure mankind’ continuing and ennobled existence, tis the highest, Divlege for you to be able to repay that debt by fighting for Him in His lustrous Imperial Guar. ‘Wherever you are sent, be asuted that the Emperor's Haly work will be wating fr ‘you. You will see things that fw wil be aed to bear witness to, and you will have to face your wort fear. But face them you must, with strength, fortitade and valour; for itison thee qualities thatthe Imperial Guard is uit. But rest assured, there wil bes ‘ommisar behind you to ensue your faith remains constant ‘Put your trust in the Immortal Emperor and He will watch over you. You wil ind {in this book guidance when you are in health, comfort when you ae in sicknes and strength when you are in adversity. Go forth and ensure our prosperity. Fight wih pride and fervour foitisbettrtodie fora purpose than ive without reason. ‘The Immortal Emperor watches over you He wll judge you with unlinching eyes Lord General Militant Huxlow SOLDIER’S PARTICULARS ‘To be ompltd on day of inauguration by tached eymoisar Name Sox M/F Known allerge/iioeynerasis Serial Number Rank Preseribed medication Grade Height Form of meicaton Weight Prosthetic mechanical limb) Distinguishing marks onganscompensators Ae. Born (Pace) (Date) esting (Pant) (Campaign) (SP) sy aptcaton Asimilaton procedure Company number/name ee Convalescence duration. Watchade ‘Regimental commanders ame Prychovislevel Psychic profile Battalion commander's name Ocular reflex Soldier's Service Record ‘Company commander's name ‘To be compiled by platon commander “Theatr of War Platoon commanders name Notable Service Actions Commendations Squad commander's name Awards Medals Commissar name Citations. ala Disciplinary Actions Platoon commander's comments Soldier's Medical Details ‘To be ompild fer fail ecaminaion by aon chief mec junction with omy exeing nd availabe madicalarchives Physical condition Blood type Previous ailments Commisaes comments CContstor's comments Disaiitie ‘On soldiers demise the death notice ito be filed in and signed by company commander or attached commisear ONLY, Ifboth are unavalable see pamphlet 1G-HIW-3648-P, Section XVII —Correet Procadares in cas of Command Chain Breakdown’ ~ Appendix XII Paragraph XVIII (as supplemented inthe Of ‘ers Handbook) fr further ineteuctions. ‘Signature of company medical officer, authenticating and confirming actual death and cause of death, must be obtained before the ofiial report an be ed tothe appropriate office ofthe Departmento Muritorum. ‘This documents tobe en oinfantryman's next of kin, after complete doeu- mentation has been sent and approved by the Departmento Munitoram. The Deparimento Munitorum wil retain «facsimile. Do not send notification of ‘death to next of kin until the Departmento Munitorum has sent anthentiation ‘docket Die3466721/hx to battalion headquarters. Failure vo adhere to appropri ste administrative doctrine wil esl in dseplinary action. Timay bethecase that the Departmento Munitorum il, nits wisdom, decide that no such ntfiration will be sent to the deceased's next fk, Name Serial Number Rank Age Campaign (Cause of Death Other note comments [Next of kin details ame Relation Located at Proposed route (Ship name, designation, destination}, distribution ofce) Company commander's signature ‘Commis signature CMO’ signature. 4 ‘Departmento Munitorum’s death stamp CONTENTS Chapter 1 Principles and Regulations Seon I: Gora Induction; Seton 2: Rls and Regulations; Sex ‘nd Protecting the Emperor’ Armies | chapter 2... Issued Arms, Attire, Apparatus and Equipment Sim L: neal Invaction; Sti 2 Ars, Equipment and Acro 3: Specific Lemsof Armond Equipment Sein : Special ff | chapters voomnsdtaperial Guard Armour and Tank Recognition, ‘Alfliated and Enemy Variants Seton 1 Gove Id 3: Fast tac Units; Seton 4: General nt ian Ian Idtification; Ss The Kill Shot and Armour Basis; Section 8: Vehicle Reiton ~ Imperiat Sion 9: Voile Reston ~OrkPattoms; Seton 10: Vehicle Rergiton ~ Eldar Patten fi Chapter 5. iM Know Your Foe Seon 1: Ors; Seton 2: Tyran i 3: Bar; Seton 4: The New tion 5: Of Carrion aa Dark Bo (mera Considerations Chapter 6 [Elementary Battlefield Medical Instruction ‘The Benedictions of the Emperor, Inspiration Source and Uplifting Creeds forall Infantrymen (crimson pages) {TH IMPERIAL INVANTRYMAN'S UPLIFTING PRIMER Chapter 1 PRINCIPLES & REGULATIONS RE ESEROZ TOWARDE.AN CONICER, Any soldier who behaves himself with disrespect ~in word or action ~ to an ofieer or ‘anyone of higher rank wil be set. (10 345/67) Section 1 --snuGeneral Introduction, Section 2 Rules and Regulations FAILURE TO SALUTE AN OFFICER Section 3. ‘Training and Protecting the Emperor's Armies Any widier who {aie to salute a passing officer or anyone of higher rank shall be (1) Training Regie | Mogged. (Art. 16 3678}474) (s) out FAILURE T0 SALUTE THE IMAGE OF THE EMPEROR/IMPERIAL AQUILAY REGIMENTAL COLOURS ony lar ho ao ses image of esa pr, te Ing ee th iment clon sl eed heath an ot mar then a roar) Section 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION A soldier inthe Imperial Guar expected to learn by heart the rues and regulations by which he/he will henceforth ive hier life. Failure a eary out this most elemen- tary onder will eul in a public Mogging, The Imperial Guatd functions as «potent fighting organisation beeause ofthe stret way in which t upholds such laws a8 the set out below. STRIKING AN OFFICER Any solder who, on any pretence whatsoever, strikes a superior officer, or draws a ‘weapon orofers any violence aginst him, will beshot. At 3680/35) ‘You will obey them a al times, without question, thought or hesitation. I one so ir tries to flout the authority thathe is bound to, the whole system and structure of ‘onder comesunder immediate threat. Anyone seen tobe destabilising the system wil eal with inthe harshest possible manner. Imperial Justice will rt be denied Asan Imperial infantryman, youhave become part ofa vast body of inter dependant people. Departments run their outines nfl cooperation with exch ather,Anyone nt ‘adhering to the principe and regulations wil be clearly visible to the authorities. Be ‘are, the rgimental ommisar are ever watchful and vigilant. ‘You wil know neither privacy nor slitude again. Your diy programme of activ ties is pre-determined. Your living quarters (when avaiable) will be monitored. Your ‘suipment will be inspected with frequency. Your bebaviout, mental disposition and ‘mora fortitude wll beundernon-top verutiny, You are being watched, monitored and inde a ati All thsi for your own good, forthe good of your comrade and for the Imperial (Guard asa whole ‘Tho Imperial Guard and its customs are yourlite. You will bow to its laws and devote ‘yourself to its reed and cades with sufferance, and without deviation Bulow are the most heinous crimes, a defined bythe Imperial Guard books of law. 4 ful ist of rules obtainabe in the Rules, Regulations, Conduct Prope, Codes, Pre tices and Laws ofthe Great and Magnificent Imperial Guard of Humanits, availabe ‘upon request fom the Department» Munitorum, WRONGS TO SOLDIER, REDRESS OF Any der who thinks himeelf wronged by an officer and who tres to incite proceed ‘ngs against them wil be purithed by a logging from the ofier in question in front of ‘thereof the platoon, Officers ret be obeyed at all times, without question o ese. vation, (Ar 10 3680/28) GAMBLING Any woldior caught gambling in any frm wil be flogged and incarcerated for an ‘nspeified ime. (Art. 0834/19) FAILURE TO CARRY OUT AN ORDER. Any sie found to bave failed to carry outa direct order wl be shot unles excep tional etcumstances can be ited and proved. (Art. 9845/23) DISOBEYING AN ORDER [Any der who disobeysan order fom a superior office wll be shat. (Ar. 9898/21) ILL-TREATMENT OR NEGLECT OF ACCOUTREMENTS Any soldier who il-srets hie efforts sued arme, equipment or appurtenances through flor non-wilfal elect wll be sho, (Ar, 4733/67) Section 2 RULES & REGULATIONS ‘Thoselaws arto be followed to theabsoluteleter. Ignorance or lack of understanding isnot an exeute for deviance, The commissar shall judge all who stray, WASTING AMMUNITION Any oldie who lls, or wilfully ox through neglect wastesany ammunition will besent toa penal battalion, (Ar. 478465) ‘Thorax bone i a Apa ly per on yp a ahaa tees. » " NPHERIAL INPANTRY MAN'S UPLIFTING PRIMER DUELLING No ondary soior hall sand a challenge to another soldier to fight dua. (Rules on ‘the conduct of officer difer depending on the regiment. See Art HOO/38a,) Sending request, accepting a requestor fighting a duel is punishable by death by hanging. (rt 00)3%«) FIGHTING AND BRAWLING Any soldier caught engaging in violent conflict ~ with or without arm — wil by ‘rested and placed in immediate confinement, Punishment is ta be muted out ai domed appropriate by thei commanding oie). (Ar 912/50) DISRESPECTFUL SPEECH AGAINSI' THE EMPEROR Any soldier uttering contemptuous or dicrespetfal words against the Immortal Enperor will blogged then shot. (Art 794/131) MUTINY Any soldier who instigates, excites causes, joins or fais wo report any mutinos ose tious activity anywhere, wil be shot. (Av. 4388/64) INTOXICATED ON DUTY Any soldier caught under the influence of sleohol or any athe inebriant while om bit suard will be logged then sot. (Ar. 0848/76) SLEEPING ON SENTRY DUTY Any sentinel who isfound sleeping upon hs put, or who eaves it before eing relieved ‘hal uffer death in such © manner as deemed appropriate by the commissar. (rt 0854338) LEAVING SENTRY DUTY WITHOUT LEAVE. Any man who leaves his guard, platoon or division without leave, except in eases of tungentnocsity (this shal bo judged by the commis) shall be sot, (Av. 0846/11 COWARDICE Any solder who, in the face ofthe enemy. uns away, or shamefully abandons his pot ‘or guard, or induces others todo the ik, oF eats away his arms oF ammunition, of attempts to take his own life hall beshoton the spo. (rt. 8055)140) INFLICTING SELF HARM, [Any solder who infits injury upon bimsalf to be excuted from active duty shall be flogged, layed thon shot, (8098/25) COMPELLING A SURRENDER, Any soldier who tries tinct is comrade to give up tothe enemy or abandon apa ‘hall be shot on the spot. (Se separate article on battlefield punishment ~ehapter section "Commissar (Art. 8034306) {UT IMPERIAL INF ANTROLAN' UPLIFTING PROWE un DISCLOSING WATCHWORDS OR COMMS CODES Any sole belonging ta the armies ofthe Immortal Emperor who discloses a watch ‘word or secret comms cades ar baitlecants to persons not entitled to heat, or who presumes to give a parle ot watchword diferent from one he received, shall suller 8 Hiadgeoning, then death by hanging, (Art. 8015{8%%) CORRESPONDING WITH OR RELIEVING THE ENEMY [Any soier wh relieves the enemy with suplis or food, or harbours or protects an ‘enemy agent, shal eller death by starvation. (Ar. 6531/42) ‘CRIMES DURING INSURRECTION Anysoldier caught commiting robber; laren, burglary, anton, manslaughter, murder, ‘scat with intent oil, shooting o stabbing wil besbot on the epo, (Ar. 577%) CRIMES OF FRAUD AGAINST THE IMPERIUM. Any sr eaught stealing or misappropriating supplies rom Imperial Guard stores, including ordnance, arms, equipment, ammunition, clothing, subsistence supplies and tempting to profit from passing such items on wil be sot, after rigorous interroga tion to bring sccomplies to the light of the Immortal Emperor's Justice, (Ar. DESERTION Any soldier who absents himself from his troop, battery, company or garrison without Jeare from bis superior officer shall be hunted down without respite and executed in any manner neresary. (Art. 0001/01a) NOT SHOWING DEVOTION TO THE EMPEROR OR THE IMPERIAL cult Anysoldier who neglects to make benediction tothe Emperor, or who willy ignores {et timetables of worship to venorate the Immortal Emperor {times tobe set by the fammanding oficers, in conjunetion with the Eeresiarehy) wl be sent toa penal bat talon. (Art 0488/67K) WORSHIPPING FALSE IDOLS Any folder found worshipping anything other than the Emperor or saint of the Imperial Cult wll be mind-srubled and sent foruc inthe workshops ofthe Adeptus echancus as servitr, Tisinfraction includes verbal or writen benediction orset- ting up an unsanctioned shrine. (At 7680/30) HERESY Any solder who speaks ill of the Emperor, the Imperium, cites his loyalty to any tntty Besides the Emperor, defaces holy arteacts or buildings, incites heretical ‘thoughts or ations, talks openly about forbidden subjects and generally behaves in manner diserpect(l Lo all that is holy and good will have his extremities Tw ri Gar ile pr ih dng ese {WE IMPERIAL INFANTIOSIAN'S UPLIFTING PRIMER removed and left to bleed to death, for the Emperors pleatue, The body wil thea the burned to ensure no taint remains. (Ae! 8741/09) HARBOURING PSYKERS AND/OR WITCHES Any soldier found harbouring or withholding information regarding one he knows tobe touched by the warp (ansanetioned psykers, witches, warp-feaks) wil be whipped, have is eyesput out and thes hung until dead. The Emperor wil have hs revenge on the uasean denizens ofthe warp. (Art 6782/0) DARK FORCES AND WARP MAGIC Any soldier who, through his own wil orno, becomes touched by the warp in any seay and becomes impure tnd a danger to seutty wil be the beneficiary of the Emperor's Merey. (rt 5383/020) For a fall and comprehen sive iat of ruler and regulation, s0e Bond ip = Ref 1G Tags 5468/84 itainable from Depart ‘mento Muniorum archos, Aiddentum — Battlefield justice isa separate issue from the normal Imperial poi of ‘uiminjstring vo those who infringe the Immortal Empero'sla,Aloffcer and com nlisars are sanctioned to mete out battlefield justion a they sft, at any time and ‘without restition. The decision i there alone and they will not be held account forany ations they are obliged to cary out. Iti your responsiblity to uphold battle field protocol, and woe btide you you stray. For any infraction of law during combat the sentance is death by immaiat execution There wll ben ral forinfaction: daring war. The Bmperor's jute the Emperor Merey and his officers and commissary wil ot shi rom their responsiblity foro se ond. The Imperial payment for infraction of tslaws ie bitin the back athe sl, Be warned. Whatever it is you decide to do, you will not escape notice. Section 8 TRAINING & GUARD DUTY ‘Avan Imperial Guardaman nthe Immoral Emperor'tindomitable armies stationed in the turbulent eastem setor ofthe galaxy, you wil face many dangers and enemies, However, you will not always ein the fie of combat. 7g a aaa Sa sue [NPANTRYMANS UPLIPTING PRISER, Anunpredictable portion of your time wil be spent in bles on your garrison planet, ‘rin transit aboard space ship. During these periods of respite she Imperial Guard wil inst into you many important lesions, Your daly rutin is devised to mould Sou int potent weapon: a weapon tht the Immortal Emperor can use to best our aan foes, (Training Detail ofthe training regime wil differ from regiment to regiment, depending on ‘heir individual skills, traditions, customs and established praties. But the under ing principles ace universal, and the indoctrinated timetable ~ however modified by ‘ach regiment ~ isthe ertablished way to achieve these principles. ‘The prevalent purposes of the training regime (as defined by the “Tactica Imperium’ are To poe loyally for he Imperial Quad andthe Immoral Kmperor + Ta inatil uswereing rege for the hain of command + To Beso a lear understanding of your poston in the command echelon + To provide adequate traning in the seo al esd equipment arm, crutremans and tale +o provide basic raining elementary balled pots To edwiicer mantl ond physica hardship inorder to provide the est grounding fo cope with he obtrperons things you wil, all ikeliood, face “To nsure wares of he cored haviour during combat and won combative prio’ fancy +o provide rigorous traning i oe lo rocgise and canton with heresy, apostasy, dis idence, impiety end questonale bshaiour i ose around you “Th ways of achieving these most salient of aims willbe determined by each regi- ‘ments command cadre, and you wil be fllybrifed on any changes, as they are locked. Rest assured though, the way will ot be easy, and failure to meet theve ‘ough requirements will have very serous consequences. [Aide fom actual combat, the taining programme isthe most important function ofyourtimein the Guard. Listen to your superiorsand trustin the Immortal Emperor to give you thetrength toe it through. (Se also chapter3, section 4, ‘Commissuts’ tnd ther ole nthe Imperial Guard) (5) Guar Duty [Another major part of your soliaring routine will be spent on guard duty. The importance of guard duty eannot be underestimated. The safety of Imperial Guard property and men coud be pati intolerable jeopardy if guard duty isnt carried out nfcient zal and consieniousnes. The death penalty for any laxity sin place teenrare that everyone complies with tis ideal. Deials and times of guard duty wil differ according to the regiment's situation and security standing, However, no matter what the current situation, when on guard duty you must sesame the safety ofthe regiment is questionable. You are protecting rachines, property and tariory. This means you are target. ‘the military: ma ‘ow ey Hoy bran “ {TUE IMPERIAL INFANTRYSAN'S UPLIFTING PRIMER ‘The nature ofthe guard duty may require you to remain etaionary. For exam [SUE IMPERIAL INFANTROANS UPLIFTING PRIOR as Chapter 2 le, if yow are safeguarding an entrance 19 command headquarters or a gun ISSUED ARMS, ATTIRE, APPARATUS ‘emplacement. Or it may require you to follow a parol path, such a¢ around the perimeter of your compound. If thisis the ease, try to make your patter a reg ular and hard to predict as possible. This will make it more difficult for any Inflrators to find a way in Alwaysheep a sharp lookout, and concentrate onthe ob t hand. If youhave aces to luxcamp goggles or any visual aid, make use of them, Report any suspicious move- ‘ment or sound but do not raise a ale alarm, This may require you to investigate the ‘auseof the alarm yourself However, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR POST! The enemy may be trying to lure you away in order to alec an entry ‘Thecandnal rulesto remember when on guard daty are + Slay alert + Stay awake + Keepin mind he igrtanoof the dy ink of the ameoguonee of file + Remember he comistars ‘You should obtain the following information before aking your post~ + Diretion and probable ote of approach of the enemy + Thesecor you are require fo watch + Names of train feature of miliary importance within sight (lps, on ‘emplacements, wads) Location of nearest friendly detachments and moon of contacting hem + Numer and lotion of your oum otguard + Whether patos othe fren trae ere operating to yur fmt + Instruction emcoring challenging + What od nome oft Letony officers and detachments you recognise pat. 1 anyone alse approaches, call your squad commander. Keep them covered at all ‘mes. [the challenged do not stop, or attacks you, hoot them. [the enemy attacks, rate the alarm by fring your asgun on all auto Pass on tothe sentinel who relives you ll information and instructions relating vo thepost Abo I~ DO NOT LEAVE YOUR Post & EQUIPMENT Section 1 sGeneral Introduction Section 2 au Aems, Equipment and Accoutrements (plist of Atv; (i) Ls or Arms| amnion Porth Maintenance of (isis of Tole; (i) Lisof Medea Supe; (0st of Other ems Section 3... ‘aso () Gvera nto the MO Lass (Portas is Loading avd Unloading; (1) Stripping and Assembling: () leaning nd Maintenance Auto Piatol (3) Goneal Introduction tothe ado Piss (i) Particulars fii) Loading and Unloading; (1) Stripping and Assembly Frag Grenades (i) Genera Intranction tothe Prag Grenade; (3) Using a Frag (Grenade in Combat} Using a Frag Grenade a Booby Trap (Gas Mask (i) General Iivoucton tothe Gas Mask (i) Principles and Usage Flak Armour (i) Genera ntrodustion to Fak Armow; (i) Variations and Protection (Guard Issue Helmet (1) Genera Introduction othe Inperial Guard Issue Helmet (i) The Helmet and its Accoutrements Section 4 Sci Special Equipment (5) General ntoducion; (i) Shotguns: (is) Directional Lime Mines (iv) Krak Grenades (e) Demolition Charge; (i) Swipe Variant Lasgo (aii) Vor-ester,(vii)Carapace Armour; (i) Surveyor Auspez Section 1 GENERAL INTRODUCTION (On becoming an infantryman inthe Immortal Emperor's orious Imperial Guaed you vil be issued with a standard set of equipment. Upon becoming a component ofthe Tmmperil Guard (however this may have occurred) youhave forfeited your reedomand Fighisasa itzen ofthe lmperium, in return fr the glory of fighting forthe just cause ‘four immortal Emperor. The Imperial Guard lio takes it upon isl vo fed and tothe you, and provide adequate modal eae when thisisinevitably required A the pa lode ap Tin ai eee rc “THE IMPERIAL INPANTRYMAN' UPLIFTING PRIMER Another part ofthis compact involves the Imperial Guard charging you with of aces ‘ainamount of equipment and hardware, These equipments main the property of Imperial Guard for ll the time that you have them, I is your mort grave responsi ity to retain his equipment, in its entirety, and in perfect working oder tals ‘This section ofthe handbook will tell you precisely how todo tie. Failure to read understand or adhere to these instructions will have severe repercussions. Compl ceney of, or dsrespet towards your kt will not be tolerated, BE WARNED: Weapons and arms inspections ate carved out on routine bass but vandom cheks ace instigated with regularity. * Muze rod and ewab + Holy toolbox w/repairintruments + Spare asgun stock engraved with eon tit) + Space lajgun bara engraved with icon soltrueshat) (i) List of ole soldier's kit designed to ad him nis endeavours, both n billets and onthe fil) +70 enteonching tool of battle. Every item in your possession has a use and all ae designed to ensure tht) Hand ane you are the most potent weapon thatthe Immortal Emperorcan expeet you tobe Alwaysremomber that you area weapon. Aman ie the most power weapon nth universe, possesed of great strength, fortitude, valour and purity. Your kit wil hel you ffl your boundless potential to crush the foe the alin, the uncean, the het, ‘wherevrit may hide itsl. + Standard ise lamp- pace (ie) Lt of medical epics + Standard swabs (co Chapter) + Salt tablets + Water purtying tablets + Food supplement tablets + Guard isue modi pak consisting of— + Ganzejbandages (es) + Vein clamps eteiited) + Lotion of embaln Section 2 ARMS, EQUIPMENT AND ACCOUTREMENTS: (On the day of your elstmen/drat you were given ll the vital equipment nwded oldir ofthe Imperial Guard. Some details may diferfrom regiment o regiment bu ‘ertan standardisation exists. Below isis of customary items you wil be expect tocarry with you when onactive duty. + Phials of morphia X4 (6) Liste Atire (Gi) List ofarmsjommuosiion/mainieanel)* Steizing tui of cleansing + Combat fatiguee of ‘Cleanse surgical grapple + Shirt + Shor pattorn M4 standard lasgun + Undersirt + Sparepowor packs X4 “+ Synth skin canister + Senctione insect repellent + Soka X4 *Longpattera bayonetcombat knife | * Bleed ations, cis all, mee iiagirbis vse sal ois, tablet and interaal leaner + etc + Auto-pistl wi pare clipe and holster} frenem administration) + Rain overalls + Frag grenades Xt + Combat bots and acs + Blessed rangefinder (o) List ot oteritems + Ful body ak armour + Sad bags 4 + Webbing + Msc kit pon, it, fork, mg, ra) + agai + Sanetioned leaning agent + Bat and holsters + iting agent + Bandolier Botte of Sere Unguent of Cans re ere te + Bottle of Sacred Oil of Labrisstion + Helmet w/mito bead pike up + Tin of Blesea Sealing Wax (rier araibi + sed ste-eloth forswabbing THe 9-70 Exrnencrine Toor “TH IWPERIAL INPANTRYMANS UPLIFTING PRIMER » Fo. Fo2 Fin. 3 Flo. | 16 A statoano commat Fig. 215 A SMALLER PATTERN, Fra, 2.18 A HEA HERING. = Canteen + Collapsible water bag + Canvassack + Blanket + Step bag + Bled gases + Gasrosptatorw) Moris MVE titer + Spare bot lace + Dry rations + Dog tags + Tent w/pol, rope and pins “Whine + Imperial Infantryman’ Upliting Primer + Adhesive tape Tinderbox rooming it, con + White soap + Dry serub brash + Shaving brush + Raors X2 + Toothbnush + Tooth powder ing of ‘Sen ier ny, iro pm » {UE IMPERIAL 1NFANTROSIAN'S UPLIFTING PRIMER “THE IMPERIAL INVANTRYMAN'S UPLIFTING PRIMER Section 3 SPECIFIC ITEMS OF ARMS AND EQUIPMENT a i ios ‘The Standard M-G Short Pattern Lasgun goo Fyt ¢ (5) Coercion fe gsy. f } ge 5 2a a a ‘To an Imperial Guardsman, the lasgun isfar more than jut a weapon, Itisaninstrul] 36 33 ge 5 q ontoldaskindsdivahy, the bongeroldaiktohifon, vewbeving acing 2 gE eS aD prayer tothe Emperor'sztribution, a oe aq ge gay q Te longo ik mw prone four ame Of al the apne wi? FY | [Shermer hereto anyon orbs nh ortoy jngeorfa, ti heme ng ome eg Sl rust never lose [tis your closes ally, your most trused partner, your best protector] Y= @ 2 P 4 ‘Treat it wel I you love yourlasgun, you will di. ee ges q “ ‘Then i ade to the sme spieaton (witha for variations al ove tg] FB BS 3 i aley. It ithe mos rahe ranged weapon evermanfatared 1 ight, imple é 4 3 ‘inti, bara decent rangeandateuraey and bas won many wars since the inception 6 the Imperial Guan, Youcan dept tit ust ava dub orsubmerg it andi wi hep on working (lthongh it is ecommendd that you do not do any of thes thin nls aoltaly nec} ‘Telangn poste theolling vee + Lghnes, combined wih strength + Simplicity, nd ase rig in the fil Abily fire ther in arto asso of single operateonaninuton megatulerangeand can therefore wseany Department Moritoram sanctioned power packs (ve Dept Mun. pamphlet 13462/7 fo fll is) ean be iret on wo power settings, ow” and high The agun ae a tin ‘ound which an be stl tow onthe afield On thelow power sting it has shox sound, and on fll ower a sharp cracking report. Although of universal desig, variations do exit, sully dependant on he expe raw materials alah onthe planet of manufactre. You may come ara either hws type which are mort prevalent inthis aac setr: ara A STAVOARO M-G SHORT PATTERN LaSGUN ‘Orne sion? ior sTaNoARO! A : : mins melt i eee (asses beset oeaoe Rue aa paawers” thier epee ical a angele prreiir a Thee specifications are universal for modes constructed throughout the Imperium. Gi) Pastcdars- + Soveice designation ~ Standard M-G short pater as + Weight 22 kg + Lowth-% om + Magacne type —19 mats in. rechargeable) riz site ‘Bnd te et pri le rin Ter acd ps af ale “ral te {TH IMPERIAL ISPANTRYMAN'S UPLIFTING PRIMER “THE IMPERIAL INFANTRY MAN'S UPLPTING PRIMER + Typeof ie Single shot orally tomatic + Raleof fie (oy) ~20 shots per minute + Shot intensity low thigh + Sighs — Adjustable, back and front sights w/ optional laser sght/ntegral opis Remember to recte Litany of Compton (refer 0 Eompaors Bondictions) during this eure toon the a, thus ensuring thatthe wenn is fully fncional and sted for wse (+) Clawiog and maintenance (ou must ensure that your asgun is operational tall times, The bert way to bestow Jong and wel ite on your weapon isto Keep it len and ole. This an easy thing achieve, given the simplicity ofthe lasgun's construction. Make it habit to clean ur gun at last once a day. Then you an be sure you are administering atleast the nimam of proper eae una fresh ol eloth over the body and exposed working parts. Ensure the mechan: sae well lubricated. Apply a thin coating of sacred unguent with the Messed swab ‘Then, with adry clot, wipe any exces oil and dit from the body. [ject the powerpack and pullback tho cover ofthe ignition chamber. Cloan the ign on rings thorough if these ar soled, the gun will not fie reliably) and check for blockages. Replace power cell and eeck ring mechanism, Remember to rete the Litany of Clelivass and Litany of Unjamming (refer to /s Benaictions) during this procedure» make sure tha the weapon i eee, in and dy, and will fil whom you ak for its sri. a problem occurs tat is beyond you sil to rectify, report the fault immediatly the armourer or techseers so proper overbal, with the crect itanies and incan- tations canbe preseribed to the ailing machine, Do not try to remedy sucha problem goursell. The spirit ofthe lagun must be respected. In the interim, anew weapon wll, bw isued to you. ANGuardman without his rile is useless vo the Emperor. Ensue its ‘el being inthe same way as you do your own. Your life depend on it (i) Loading ond untoaing (a) To recharge power pack laser pow pack wil last for many shots and an he recharge from standard pow ture. Expotng the thermal ells to light or heat will also, over time, eharge up pack, Placing the pack in an open fre wil also have an elfect, but this shortens t ‘ack’ fe and riaiity. Its recommended that this method of recharging i on ‘sed in an emergency. (b) Toloaa [Incr the power pas into the housing, and push home until you ar certain that pack atch bas engaged. There shouldbe an audible lick when this occurs. ‘Pash the change switch Co Right fr single shots (R) oro Left for Full Auto (A) Remember trite ten of Loading (ree ta the Emperor's Boedictios) during readureto ensure tha the Machine Spirits are appeased and lading is secs (©) Tounload Grasp the

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