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Template Summary for Potential Distributor.

Phase One: Collection of Data

1- Country general information.
a- Major cities.
b- Population
c- GDP/Capita

2- Company Information
a- Brief History.
b- If member of a Holding Group.
c- Present Market(s)
d- Contact persons.
e- Financial Stability.

3- Company Setup:
a- Total Number of employees.
b- Offices and warehousing. ( central and regional)
c- Sales Team , Merchandisers, Promoladies etc.

4- Company Portfolio (Food and Non Food ).

a- Major Brands per business unit.
b- Weight from Total business unit.

5- Distribution setup and Way to the Market:

a- Weight per trade channel. ( by business unit)
b- Split or Number of Sales team per trade channel.
c- Total Coverage vs Total Universe per trade channel.

Phase Two: Market Analysis and Pricing

1- Cosmaline Price Fishing Template.
2- Analyzing the potential volumes of Sub Brand / Category in the market and the major players/
3- Preparing Price structure vs competition and positioning of Cosmaline SubBrands.
4- Analyzing A&P Budget needed especially on launching period ( Listing Fees, Rebates, Registration
within big Hypermarkets… ) that are mainly PAID ONCE.
5- Setting of Sales Forecast.

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