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How to Master Your Time

Session One: What Time Management Will Do for You

Discover how you'll gain two extra hours daily using this program. This can translate into
a potential 25 percent earnings gain. The three psychological barriers. A series of
techniques for programming your mind. The role self-esteem plays. Twelve time
management principles. Seven ways to help you manage time. A definition of the
psychology of time management.

Session Two: Setting Goals and Objectives

The starting point --clarity of objectives. Three types of goals. Principles of goal setting.
Questions to ask. A seven-step personal goal setting exercise. The five step to achieving
goals. Determining your core functions. How MBO works. Four goal-achieving

Session Three: Getting Your Self Organized

Getting a 500 percent return on planning. The four cornerstones of organization. The T-
R-A-f system. Time planners, master list and other tools. Learning the difference between
urgent and important tasks. The A-B-C-D-E system. The 45 Files system. Using your two
prime times wisely. Dictating as an organizing technique. Organizing before travel.

Session Four: How to Establish Priorities

The starting point for peak performance. Arrange your values in the proper order. The
"Inner Peace" test. Why you need courage. Applying the Pareto principle in everything
you do. The Limited Step principle. Creative procrastination. What is the most valuable
use of your time? Deciding what to eliminate. Delegating. Farming work out.

Session Five: Getting Things Done

Focus and concentration. Achieving high productivity in four easy steps. The benefits of
good a job on time--confidence, competence and a feeling of self-control. How to speed
up the process. Six keys for developing the concentrative powers of geniuses. Nine ideas
for boosting your productivity.

Session Six: Project Management

Planning and managing complex task from concept to completion. Project management's
multiple steps. The four major problems of managing projects. Using an approach first
developed at Disney Studios. Establishing review sessions. Catalysts for making
successful project management a reality.

Session Seven: Time Saving Techniques

The seven primary time-wasters. Applying the Law of Forced Efficiency. A review of the
keys to effective time management. Ideas for either eliminating or greatly minimizing
time-wasting events and habits that affect your performance. Crisis anticipation. How to
handle a crisis. Ideas for making better decisions. Five more time-savers.

Session Eight: Overcoming Procrastination

Developing a sense of urgency. Three qualities that can further your career. Seven ways
to overcome procrastination. Creating your own reward system. The five things to do at
the outset of a task. How self-discipline comes into play. Sixteen powerful techniques to
fight procrastination. Enjoying the mysterious energy flow that results from consciously
accelerating your work tempo.

Session Nine: Keeping Up

Since the knowledge base in your occupational specialty is doubling every seven years
you must keep on learning. Dynamite ideas for keeping up or, better yet, staying ahead.
Gathering information using R&R method. Using the O-P-I-R system. What the TxR = P
formula means to you and your career. Finding time when you need it most.

Session Ten: Saving Time with Others

The seven biggest time wasters when working with others. Why you should first
understand, then be understood. Applying the Law of Comparative Advantage. Some
questions to ask yourself so you can delegate effectively. Seven ways to get more done.
Six steps to delegating. The types of decisions. Six questions to ask yourself during
problem-solving sessions. Focusing on contribution. Participative management. Reverse

Session Eleven: Time Management for Salespeople

Understanding your job. The three-step method for exemplary sales performance. Setting
clear income and sales goals. A formula that can help you double or triple your annual
income. Planning your day. Grouping calls geographically. Overcoming objections.
Closing the 10 biggest time wasters in selling. The role of enthusiasm. Seven ideas for
increasing your sales effectiveness.

Session Twelve: The Philosophy of Time Management

Time perspective, the predictive factor on whether you'll move upward financially.
Benefits of having a long time perspective. Underachievement's primary cause. Treating
time as a precious resource. Keeping track of time usage. Principles for developing your
time management philosophy. Keeping your life in balance.

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