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Posible para el examen

 Comparison: patterns

Complete the comments using the words in parentheses to make comparative


1. I don't spend a lot of time in the house because I get bored. I like to be outdoors and active.
In fact,
the more active I am, the happier I am
(active I am / happy I am).

2. I live alone, but I like inviting people to my apartment—I always prepare lunch on Sunday for
friends. The lunch party is
getting bigger and bigger
(get big / big) because my friends always want to bring more friends.

3. I hate doing housework, and so these days I do it

more and more quickly
(more quickly). I have so many things I'd rather do!

4. Apartment-sharing is OK, but the

bigger the apartment, the better it is
(big apartment / good it is). If everyone has some space, there aren't as many arguments.

5. I've been studying a lot recently, and so my room is

getting messier and messier
(get messy / messy). I can't clean it up until after my exams.

6. People are living

farther and farther
(far / far) away from cities these days. I think it's a good idea.

Verb patterns: -ing form and infinitive

 Complete the sentences with the -ing form or infinitive form of the verbs.



(fly) isn’t as expensive as it used to be.

2. It’s easy

to buy

(buy) airline tickets online these days.

3. Guided tours are a fun way of

finding out
(find out) about famous places.

4. It’s sometimes difficult

to decide

(decide) where to stay.

5. If you enjoy


(speak) languages, foreign vacations are a great chance to practice.

6. For a lot of people,


(relax) is the main aim of a vacation.

7. Flying can be stressful when air traffic controllers threaten

to go

(go) on strike.



(stay) at home can be just as much fun as a foreign vacation.

Verb patterns: -ing form and infinitive

 Complete the conversation with the -ing form or infinitive form of the verbs.

A: Have you done a lot of (1)



B: Well, that depends what you mean by “a lot.” I’ve been to about six or seven countries, I
suppose. I enjoy (2)


(go) back to my favorite places as often as I can.

A: Seven is a lot! What was your best trip?

B: Probably Iceland, last year. I managed (3)

to take

(take) some fantastic photos.

A: Oh, I’ve always wanted (4)

to go

(go) there. I’d love (5)

to see

(see) those hot springs that bubble out of the ground.

B: The geysers? Yeah, I really loved (6)


(get) close to them. We saw one that shot up about twenty meters! (7)


(wait) for them to go really high is great fun.

A: Was that the most spectacular thing you’ve seen?

B: No, that would probably be Las Vegas. I was very excited about (8)


(fly) over the city at night.

LISTENING ABOUT travel journalist Boyd Matson

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