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Centro de Aprendizaje de Idiomas

ING115 – Advanced 1
Unit 4 Listening 1
“The discovery of fire”
1. What does the word “controlled” mean according to the lecture?
a) It means stopping and preventing something
b) It means causing and preserving something
c) It means supervising and preparing something
d) It means warming and permitting something

2. How many examples of fire impact are there mentioned along the lecture?
a) Four
b) Five
c) Two
d) Six

3. It can be inferred that humans moved to colder places because…

a) It was fresher
b) There weren’t too many wild animals
c) They could use fire to heat themselves
d) They could find more food

4. Fire was used to scare away animals

a) True
b) False
5. Which one is not an advantage of fire used for cooking?
a) They could chew food
b) They could eat whatever they wanted
c) They obtained more nutrients
d) They could conserve the food

6. It is implied that before the use of fire for cooking, people…

a) lived a long life
b) did not eat
c) were in poor health
d) did not have to eat everything

7. All of the following are activities that people did not do before the use of fire
for socializing, except…
a) narrating
b) conversing
c) chanting
d) dancing
Centro de Aprendizaje de Idiomas
ING115 – Advanced 1
8. According to the speaker, fire is considered our first true piece of technology
a) We controlled it
b) We were able to produce it
c) We used it to progress
d) We used it to destroy

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