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This study's instrument employed a Likert scale to assess students' perceptions of the English literature

component in terms of cultural diversity and language competence, as well as their accomplishment.
According to Wallen and Fraenkel (2000), the use of questionnaires improves the uniformity of replies
between respondents. Nunan (1992), on the other hand, claims that it "provides responders with a
range of potential replies specified by the researcher." As a result, the researcher created a series of
questionnaires for students that include 20 questions separated into three parts. Section A contains the
respondents' demographic profiles, Section B contains students' impressions of the English literary
component in terms of cultural diversity and linguistic proficiency, and Section C contains students'
accomplishment in their English subject. For Section B, a scale of 1-2-3-4 will be utilized, with the
numbers denoting answers of strongly agree,' 'agree,' 'disagree,' and strongly disagree.' The
questionnaire should take between 15 and 30 minutes to complete.

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