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Nama : Achmad Naufal Fadhlurrohman

NIM : 210512520031
Offering : C1/D3TM

What is CNC Machining ?

Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machining is a manufacturing process in
which pre-programmed computer software dictates the movement of factory
tools and machinery. The process can be used to control a range of complex
machinery, from grinders and lathes to mills and CNC routers. With CNC
machining, three-dimensional cutting tasks can be accomplished in a single set
of prompts.

CNC Machining is a
manufacturing process in
which pre-programmed
computer software dictates the
movement of factory tools and

The CNC process runs in contrast to — and thereby supersedes — the

limitations of manual control, where live operators are needed to prompt and
guide the commands of machining tools via levers, buttons and wheels. To the
onlooker, a CNC system might resemble a regular set of computer components,
but the software programs and consoles employed in CNC machining
distinguish it from all other forms of computation.
If you’re interested in utilizing CNC manufacturing to produce various
products, find out more about how CNC machining and CNC programming
works. You might also want to know about the main types of CNC machinery
and the kind of work it can do to see if it can meet your needs.
How Does CNC Machining Work ?
When a CNC system is activated, the desired cuts are programmed into the
software and dictated to corresponding tools and machinery, which carry out the
dimensional tasks as specified, much like a robot.
In CNC programming, the code generator within the numerical system will
often assume mechanisms are flawless, despite the possibility of errors, which is
greater whenever a CNC machine is directed to cut in more than one direction
simultaneously. The placement of a tool in a numerical control system is
outlined by a series of inputs known as the part program.
With a numerical control machine, programs are inputted via punch cards. By
contrast, the programs for CNC machines are fed to computers through small
keyboards. CNC programming is retained in a computer’s memory. The code
itself is written and edited by programmers. Therefore, CNC systems offer far
more expansive computational capacity. Best of all, CNC systems are by no
means static since newer prompts can be added to pre-existing programs
through revised code.
CNC Machine Programming
In CNC manufacturing, machines are operated via numerical control, wherein a
software program is designated to control an object. The language behind CNC
machining is alternately referred to as G-code, and it’s written to control the
various behaviors of a corresponding machine, such as the speed, feed rate and
Basically, CNC machining makes it possible to pre-program the speed and
position of machine tool functions and run them via software in repetitive,
predictable cycles, all with little involvement from human operators. In the
CNC machining process, a 2D or 3D CAD drawing is conceived, which is then
translated to computer code for the CNC system to execute. After the program
is inputted, the operator gives it a trial run to ensure no mistakes are present in
the coding.
Due to these capabilities, the process has been adopted across all corners of the
manufacturing sector, and CNC manufacturing is especially vital in the areas of
metal and plastic production. Find out more about the types of machining
systems used and how CNC machine programming fully automates CNC
manufacturing below:
Open/Closed-Loop Machining Systems
During the CNC manufacturing process, position control is determined through
an open-loop or closed-loop system. With the former, the signaling runs in a
single direction between the CNC controller and motor. With a closed-loop
system, the controller is capable of receiving feedback, which makes error
correction possible. Thus, a closed-loop system can rectify irregularities in
velocity and position.
In CNC machining, movement is usually directed across X and Y axes. The
tool, in turn, is positioned and guided via stepper or servo motors, which
replicate exact movements as determined by the G-code. If the force and speed
are minimal, the process can be run via open-loop control. For everything else,
closed-loop control is necessary to ensure the speed, consistency and accuracy
required for industrial applications, such as metalwork.

The Different Types of CNC Machines ?

The earliest numerical control machines date to the 1940s when motors were
first employed to control the movement of pre-existing tools. As technologies
advanced, the mechanisms were enhanced with analog computers, and
ultimately with digital computers, leading to the rise of CNC machining.
The vast majority of today’s CNC arsenals are completely electronic. Some of
the more common CNC-operated processes include ultrasonic welding, hole-
punching and laser cutting. The most frequently used machines in CNC systems
include the following:
CNC Mills
CNC mills are capable of running on programs comprised of number- and
letter-based prompts that guide pieces across various distances. The
programming employed for a mill machine could be based on either G-code or
some unique language developed by a manufacturing team. Basic mills consist
of a three-axis system (X, Y and Z), though most newer mills can accommodate
three additional axes.
In lathe machines, pieces are cut in a circular direction with indexable tools.
With CNC technology, the cuts employed by lathes are carried out with
precision and high velocity. CNC lathes are used to produce complex designs
that wouldn’t be possible on manually run versions of the machine. Overall, the
control functions of CNC-run mills and lathes are similar. As with CNC mills,
lathes can be directed by G-code or unique proprietary code. However, most
CNC lathes consist of two axes — X and Z.

CNC Lathes are used to

produce complex designs
that woudn’t be possible on
manually run versions of
the machine.

Plasma Cutters
In a plasma cutter, a plasma torch cuts the material. The process is foremost
applied to metal materials but can also be employed on other surfaces. In order
to produce the speed and heat necessary to cut metal, plasma is generated
through a combination of compressed-air gas and electrical arcs.
Electric Discharge Machines
Electric-discharge machining (EDM) — alternately referred to as die sinking
and spark machining — is a process that molds workpieces into particular
shapes with electrical sparks. With EDM, current discharges occur between two
electrodes, and this removes sections of a given workpiece.
Water Jet Cutters
In CNC machining, water jets are tools that cut hard materials, such as granite
and metal, with high-pressure applications of water. In some cases, the water is
mixed with sand or some other strong abrasive substance. Companies often
shape factory machine parts through this process.
Water jets are employed as a cooler alternative for materials that are unable to
bear the heat-intensive processes of other CNC machines. Due to their cooler
nature, several sectors like the aerospace and mining industries rely on water
jets, where they use them for carving and cutting, among other functions.
Companies also use water jet cutters for applications requiring very intricate
cuts in material, as the lack of heat prevents any change in the material’s
intrinsic properties that may result from metal on metal cutting.

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