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Introduction ix

i. the transmission of knowledge

1. Bishops, Barbarians, and the ‘‘Dark Ages’’: The Fate of Late Roman
Educational Institutions in Late Antique Gaul
r al ph w. ma th is en 3
2. Liturgy as Education in the Middle Ages
e ve ly n b ir ge vi tz 20
3. Revisiting Ancient Practices: Priestly Training before Trent
c hr is to ph er m. be ll it to 35
4. Interpreting Medieval Literacy: Learning and Education
in Slavia Orthodoxa (Bulgaria) and Byzantium in the Ninth to
the Twelfth Centuries
t an ia d. iv an ov a- su ll iv an 50
5. Reason, Rhetoric, and Redemption: The Teaching of Law and the
Planctus Mariae in the Late Middle Ages
s co tt l. ta yl or 68

ii. town and gown

6. Sermons and Preaching in/and the Medieval University
p hy ll is b. ro be rt s 83
7. The Formation of a Thirteenth-Century Ecclesiastical Reformer at the
Franciscan Studium in Paris: The Case of Eudes Rigaud
a da m j . d av is 99
Contents viii

iii. mendicant education

8. Educational Communities in German Convents of the Franciscan and
Dominican Provinces before 1350
a nd re as rü th er 123
9. Aquinas’s Summa theologiae as Pedagogy
m ar k f . j oh ns on 133
10. Education in Dante’s Florence Revisited: Remigio de’ Girolami and
the Schools of Santa Maria Novella
m . m ic hè le mu lc ha he y 143
11. Moral Philosophy and Dominican Education: Bartolomeo da San
Concordio’s Compendium moralis philosophiae
c ha rl es f. br ig gs 182

Contributors 197
Appendix: Publications of Louis B. Pascoe, S.J. 203
Name Index 205
Subject Index 213

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