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Doctor: good afternoon, my name is Abas, co-students I start by just getting

Patient: my name is an ass I'm 55

Doctor : how'd you like me to address some dishonest as Frankie it's very nice to meet you
today Alice today I've just been asked by the doctors in charge of your care to come and
speak to you about what's brought you in just want to know everything we discussed is
completely confidential kept within the medical team does all that sound okay
Patient: yes
Doctor: you're happy for us to proceed him so let's put you in today with us.
Patient: yeah, I mean to be honest I've been I've been having this kofta of de struggling to
kind of shake off. I'm
feeling better less with it as well right
Doctor : okay, just tell me a bit more about what's been going on
Patient: yes I've been feeling breathless for about a week I would say, it's a bit worse when I
walk in around mmm but it's not usual for me to feel breathless like I would say I'm quite
active so I mean it's just it's just not kind of I'm not shaking you off ready which is why I'm a
bit worried.
Doctor : kay right well you mentioned you're a bit worried and so we can address that
anything in particular you're worried about.
Patient: I mean nothing nothing nothing major I suppose it's only been a week my dad did
was a bit ill previously from kind of lung problems so just what I can of reassure myself in
terms of that as well but yeah okay well
Doctor: I'm sorry to hear that, that happened to your dad do you want me asking exactly
what the situation
Patient: was yeah so so my dad was diagnosed with lung cancer and at 75
Doctor: okay right yeah well again I'm sorry to hear that I do just want to reassure you
slightly there are many causes of breathlessness and coughs as you've been experiencing
the best thing for us to do is to take a full history to the appropriate examinations in
investigations now give us a much better idea as to what's going on
Patient: how does that sound yes sorry
Doctor: besides that anything else you expecting to get out today
Patient: and not just find out what's going on being fascinating
Doctor: well let's just go back to the breathlessness and that could mean different things to
different people can you explain exactly what you mean when you say breathlessness.
Patient: yeah it's just that you know I'm struggling to kind of just catch my breath really
especially when I'm walking walking down when I'm upstairs it's a bit worse even kind of
getting to the GP today was it was it was a bit difficult sir
Doctor: okay so you're saying it used to be getting worse when you're moving or walking
Patient: yeah so when I'm when I'm when I'm walking with
Doctor: yeah yeah anything else that you noticed that makes it worse
Patient: it's about it really
Doctor: in particular does lying flat make it was?
Patient: not really
Doctor: okay and have you ever experienced yourself waking up in the middle of the night
gasping for breath
Patient: no
Doctor: okay, and if you don't mind me asking how many pillows do you only sleep with that
Patient: just two pillows two things
Doctor: okay and you said they started about a week ago
Patient: yeah
Doctor: yeah have you ever experienced anything like this before?
Patient: no, I mean as I said I'm usually quiet kind of fit like I got the gym I do they have
called you and say
Doctor: yeah okay that's good to hear and over the last week how would you say it's
changed at all
Patient: Jase it's getting a bit worse
Doctor: actually it seems to be getting yeah okay and in what way is it getting worse
Patient: I mean initially it was just kind of initially I wasn't as breathless now just just walking
in the distance just kind of makes it a bit worse and that wasn't the case initially
Doctor: right, so now it's just getting worse by it's becoming more common throughout the
Patient: yeah I would say so
Doctor: okay so I've lost you quite a few questions now and I just want to find out from
yourself is there anything that you think might be going on
Patient: I mean as I said before I am a bit worried about this whole like long issue instead of
that Timmy it's only been a week so potentially some kind of infection and I have caught
something from someone I don't know, maybe
Doctor: okay, yeah and as we mentioned before you know the best thing to do is what we're
doing right now and you've done the best thing by coming in today
Patient: thank you
Doctor: just want to move on to asking you a bit about how your health has been leading up
to today so in the last few weeks or months have you noticed any weight loss
Patient: no
Doctor: no have you noticed any sweating particularly at night?
Patient: I do feel a bit but warmer I wouldn't say I'm sweating a lot more
Doctor: okay have you had a fever at all
Patient: I think, I think I have, I haven't haven't measured it but I think and my wife was
saying you know she felt my head my forehead and stuff and she said I felt felt what hot
Doctor: and when did you first notice that
Patient: this was around the time when it started okay so about a week ago
Patient: as well yeah
Doctor: okay have you taken anything to try to help with the fever?
Patient: I've tried some paracetamol okay did it help at all
Doctor: yeah
Patient : it helped a bit yeah
Doctor: okay have you noticed any change to your appetite
Patient: no
Doctor: have you had any pain in your chest
Patient: no, I mean just because I've been coughing a lot I've been feeling some kind of just
just all over I really kind of around the ribs and stuff I'm gonna be pain apart from that
Doctor: okay so pain just in the ribs nowhere?
Patient: yeah I'll say is this like kind of on both sides just yeah
Doctor: anything that seems to make the pain worse

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