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Hello and welcome to be stranded Indonesia Spencer and I will deny in collaboration with

University of the iic partnership for Australia and Indonesia research program I've no
knowledge the traditional owners the cooling nations of the land on which the central office is
located in the city of Melbourne from where I'm hosting today for the and joined in the same
city by very special guest for face up page yellow sheet repair respect the elders present and
future the aim of the Australian do they just came to end to build on the links between the
two countries in fact it's not just brings together reception industry civil society and
government to discuss some of the important issues that we're all grappling with Klonopin to
be working with universitas has Newton and wishing them congratulations in fact the 64th
anniversary nopales and patch a little later on the gym heart to hear from Professor diarrhea
Tina will do boo boo who is Ben Rector of the University but before we do that we're going to
meet a very special guest Laureate Professor he should Josie patron of the Doherty Institute
and immunologist and of course a Nobel Prize winner he understands Immunology he
understands virus and he understands the transmission more than Big Field at the moment
so it's an absolute Delight to have him join us before I had stop chatting with you though for
Festa we have a little story for you and this is from don't just the demon us it was an NAIC
fellow senior fellow and this explains why Professor do she is no stranger to Indonesia and
we know it's that many Indonesian graduate from Australian universities a joining us for the
webinar today so I first lay like to introduce don't just 30 he's going to tell us a little bit about
the very important australia-indonesia connection welcome but looking thank you Helen and
S had mentioned that extra purpose of the help he's no stranger to this event is also
supported by the Indonesian working with some colleagues and also supported by turn off
Android or during the Festival of ideas and in fact. Very inspiring and too many of us it is one
of our best memory in Melbourne and Australia so thank you very much for offering some
they have before you're up at time in joining us to celebrate 21st anniversary back to Helen
play Michael see about 30 and we're going to have from Taco City Light that he will be
checking the second session where we also have two other very special guests then I'll
mention those a bit lines up with to Professor Dougherty first and of course we wish to talk to
you about the current
Not specifically I should say happy birthday to the university I didn't realize it was the 64th
birthday but I've been around so long I'm turning icy next month the I think of myself as part
of the living fossil record of the size of Immunology so many people know I think it's it's it's a
great feeling to have that since you have been of some value to people in general the best
do we have many young engine Asian sign to joining us for this event can you just tell us a
bit about the challenges you face when your young son Justin and what you had to do to
keep working through them to get to the level of the accomplishments that you did well I
didn't set out to be a LaBarge a scientist and certainly not a medical side is because I trained
in veterinary science and I made that decision when I was 16 years old which is probably too
young to make any decision about the rest of your life that's the way things work then I got
into research very early signs from the idea of doing research it help improve food
production if I was going to do that now I suppose I probably got to the plant rather than the
animal Sciences but I was growing up in the start of Queensland to Al North which is a big
animal production site now as then and so that's the direction I took and I 10 years I did
research on virus infections I became very interested in viruses and Immunity because of
various influences on me and Fiction's and borrow domestic animals and then went for break
time in Canberra in Australia after completing a PhD in Scotland and they're wanting to learn
about some media before I took a big job in the government research organization to see it's
alright roasting can I get one I made a very big Discovery and that took me Center basic
biomedical research led to the Nobel Prize 22 years later and and set my tree up as being a
basic biomedical research scientist and after the Nobel Prize of course I also became much
more prominent as a public figure which is what the Nobel Prize just you and I spent a lot of
time trying to do science communication and talkin to the general public about the
importance of Saiyans War of the same time still being involved heavily in the bar tree or
such initially driving a lot of that receipt still myself and then light up stepping back and letting
my younger College types of leave end what was it like Professor when you received the
Nobel Prize what was it can you remember the feeling of that moment yes. Of course it's an
extraordinary experience and being from the Australian culture which tends not to be a self
celebrate read culture we tend to be 10 to be not be like that. Go price The stage with the
king of suede to be receiving this award I knew we'd done the work and will admit about your
contribution we've been very lucky we might have Berry big Discovery and then we we made
a number of good guess because the technology wasn't there to really prove some of what
we're saying we had met a number of good guesses on what I meant right it was a major
Challenge and it really change the face of immunology and it's had a lot of implications or 3.
Sorry sorry it took but it was a surprise and I knew nothing about what happened to being
another dude with the scientific Community but I had I had no idea it's not easy being
assigned to start made it would have been difficult back then but now we are all the attention
is on people with what they're saying is excising careers careers that put you on the video
create that other people Aspire achieve bold sign in reset she does not come up a lot have I
believe sane during the coronavirus how fundamentally important it is to have good
scientists what would you say to aspiring Indonesian signs that about persevering with their
study Korea Paul what science is a bit it's a passion any any area where you going dip with
something else which is what what a discovery so I'm just like me. I like finding things that I
like looking at new diet and of course I had to the last year's I haven't been generating
update of myself as been my younger colleagues it doing that it's a kind of partnership I
learned from them and I met and that excites me and I found a very interesting I'm not really
interested in being in the public Arena it. I do it because I'm I'm actually reasonably good at
Public Communication and I'm able speak to people and I think I try to tell the truth and
sometimes the lack of Truth around at the moment as we all know so I don't judge people or
celebrities in fact I think they of celebrities actually pretty horrible for many people and I think
that's I like to analyze I like to write I like to think I like to try and understand what's behind
things and you got that soda sign so the piss and then science suits quite well because in
science we actually find out things that nobody ever knew before as a written six books since
the Nobel Prize and another in the progress and I like to write but I realize when I write about
areas I've been signed everything I say as I said before by somebody that science when you
discover something new you say something nobody has ever said or known before now
maybe not many people care about what you discovered it's it's a great feeling and there's
no greater excitement in fact then finding something new and understanding something
better that's a great way I would like to introduce you to Professor Gloria Allred Tina the
Rector of University and also a sociologist and she's going to welcome Professor Joshi and
prevent some of his views on covid-19 from a sociological perspective thank you for joining
us and please lovely to me
warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to I'm good morning for the beginning I thought I would like to
welcome profesor doherty wiith us discuss about the importance of sight And I did a person
from a IC and also to the stop their son's life and Hague ladies and gentlemen we are very
happy of course welcome profesor dohertyas and I'm sorry happy go even though V Riley
and I hope you are in the good health and love story please the selected our anniversary this
month is our anniversary redo song. All of the drive to And also social and economic issues
of 19 and I need down discount it is Chinese scientists involved and play a very important
how to solve this problem so sad that undo not worried about 250,000 cases and a lot of
them so I thought the division and scientist involved in all the time. Especially with 2 hour I
was supposed to leave this cells as hell inside before I went to work and besides all 2
highlight that crisis Yes sounds like a by Medical Health economics sapodilla the
combination of suggestion don't be sorry but increasing other prices above by the fundament
of it line dance you know the car lines is true is not on here is limited to the house is yours
but the effect of the covid-19 go see family among the people dispensary for the the one
who has alcohol in it or Monday, decrease and in Surprise system are the group of 54
people or the group of a people who stay in the remote already have that have access to do
it's not becoming a big issues so I see a multidisciplinary of course it would be the best
solution scientists come from different perspectives together in order to find out the best way
to study until now we are still waiting the discovered that still to be a Sitting Duck with an
interest in it louder increase in the number of people with the the new indicator become a
problem to us for the most people lost more people that lost her job and then got the
treatment how many issues are coming out affected by their underneath so yeah I the same
time in Indonesia that's all i a s l we all need to be somewhere where they have to choose
the best leaders at the same time if you have the effect of course
We just tried down as some of the challenges facing Indonesia with tackling this disease is
very huge societal challenges to get your scientific perspective about this disease how
complex is it compared to usual coronavirus what what are your what are your comments
around just how challenging these viruses the bar this farce is different from anybody been
counted before including so far as I'm aware the coronavirus has I'm totally footer pandemic
a boo-boo boo-boo Center excuse to with the first book I wrote back in 2005 to talk about
importance of basic science importance of investigative as you have the right personality
and the right type of dedication and what's so important for society to continue down this
thing we only have to realize what happened with size coax to the realize how important is
technology I just going to head to develop rapid International Air Travel which is getting
these viruses around the planet very very quickly now and is why I think this will not be the
last pandemic in the Lifetime on the many of you might be the last one in my lifetime and
lifetime of many young people I think you will be seeing more pain. If our Medical Science
hasn't kept up with that we've been much with a medical science is incredibly much better
than it was in 2002 or whether it was in 1980 when this the HIV aids pandemic the other
pandemics in the last 40 years when the Chinese guy about the sequence of this virus on
the about 15th of January shortly after they isolated the virus they sequenced as we do now
very rapidly because the other was outside and Bob's advanced in engineering advances in
computational biology in computers all sorts of advanced leave when they gave out that
sequence people started immediately to make vaccines from January when we barely knew
about the same people are starting to make vaccine candidates using various platforms and
those back since I moved head with Incredible speed for a vaccine if it had just been a
matter of giving product that is giving what we can actually make a device that you would
have been giving them now and of course we have just make sure that size and make sure
they work and cell. With regard to Luna go prices of course what you need for Nobel prizes
in which type of berry above eye medical research in the main is a sophisticated research
environment and out of wealthy country that's willing to dedicate that direction is China is
dedicating massive resorts in the United States has end and we doing in some pop and
you're up and all the rest of us how much a society should take us on that to another
question and it has to be up to the decisions of the spot we can benefit from What Happens
Live leave because science is global now I think your area Especially in the time of climate
change and we're looking at what happens with the oceans as they warm and they become
bored today I think that's a massively important but there are no Nobel prizes for Marine
Science Nobel prizes for Geology of the retina GoPro mathematic Sono Bello prices are in a
very limited range of area chemistry medicine and not one of Nobel prizes which is separate
how old are the prizes are awarded in sweet the peace prizes awarded in Oslo by the
Norwegian Parliament and it's real. People who select does Woody's a trying to end.
Increase Right right way and the top ones in the National academies of Science in size
occasionally some of us get lucky we'll make a discovery and we get it right and that's what
the local press minutes on the old people who made an important discovery which is better
Chance to it and then took it in Wise that influence and changed the way the science is done
let it go paradigm-shifting experimental studies areas where people go. Line outfit that's what
we see in physics says sometimes and we'll 7 crystallography and now feel sometimes that I
solved that problem that's been out there for a long time but often Nobel Prize winners Ralph
result from chance Discovery so sad that really mean that you have to know your stuff you
have to be before you have to have your eyes and ears open for new things different result
of the different finding the disproves of that raises the exception which may be actually the
truth sorry character that help me to be really good at science and sometimes someone gets
lucky and they end up with a Nobel Prize Professor sir a lot of hard work a little bit of luck
good luck usually comes from a lot of hard work I think we're all discovering is we go on can
you show all of the Jersey Institute that the hard work that can lead to having a whole
building dedicated to the work that you have a passion for this is the professor Institute in
Melbourne and Professor we have people in the audience have actually worked with the
dough he can you do another link between Indonesia and Australia I'd like to not pick up on
something that Professor Jamal mentioned end drawing on sorry to Professor Dougherty just
mention about purpose of Jamal's exterior in Marine Biology book The Scientist by
Indonesia's biodiversity and one chap to discuss environmental degradation and how that
may lead to resume from animals to humans that's very basic explanation call Tracy and that
you wrote that chapter with your how do you say the colored 19 situation from an ecological
perspective thanks Helen lets me I need to step up to take your time
But I'll just have a look at the questions that make heading out we're getting quite a few we
will try and get to them rest assured I want to start with this life I actually liked it too I would
like a planet it is connected to the population. Can you think of the problems that we are
facing at the moment so we do need to understand that I hope that we agreed not to fight
Elizabeth is about multi complex issues into andreopoulos totally and I popped out here now
become more aware I think some are what we are doing and to this planet a body fossil fuel
all the time we cut the Trees of spacing a couple Mission so I hope that we understand this
is connected to 2 people can stay at 3 we can do that let me see it on my laptop this
interconnectedness of the word problems Problem solution climate change is happening all
the time that we talked about so nauseous but the problem there is really at widest germs
now I really know you know this part delete your we can meet in harmony. Because we have
created problems voice inside that you must want a chance to the forests and I don't use the
combined with the Presque Isle and the Earth to the next flight is actually Indonesian food
Yes to optimize 11 + 50 it is in really using this diversity as a competitor maybe then we can
get off for the rest of the world spacing in addressing the I hope that answers your question
and then say about the role of ecology and Professor Dora see who's related to climate
change and we have a question that I think is relevant from John Weaver what does
Professor Dougherty I don't think is the best options for reducing the likelihood of future
pandemics in the political lack of commitment to long-term Vision 8 while these two
questions that I don't know how much control you have over politics you're welcome to
answer that but I'm not even sure the politician still a lot of the time I this subject to so many
different influences and precious and we have to have some sympathy for the man that turn
off title since they said is absolutely spot-on my other guy passion which I had no
greenhouse gas emissions and I think what I try to convince people exactly what he's been
saying that we are all part of interconnected end of the help of those ecosystems will
ultimately determine the help and in fact the survival of our species has that we recognized
for a long time in the area of 1 help which looks at the whole spectrum of felt across the
planet animals plants and all the rest of the end we've all recognize how important and how
deleterious Frances Forest clearance is and increasing hunger and of course the pressure is
on the emergence of these infection that's part of what's happening and it's extremely
dangerous in fact and of course it's climate change rows on moving from Africa and
Southern Asia to the Americas over the last couple of dangie chikungunya virus West Nile
virus zika virus infections You're biting the oxygen that we need a lot of pushing and when it
came out Papa John's on the interaction with the landscape and soil and plants and I
actually think of the human body as a set of Link we are extremely complex and the immune
system is patrolling police if you like them thank you for disability and some children in the
background Jamal can I get a response I do believe the opposition is your Monday position
or so so I do hope that we can work together or communicate better better together we
cannot allow the positions to Norwalk in One Direction and the scientists walk to put in two
different directions so I do hope that we will paste this from from already there is no way that
we can resolve this problem because understanding better leave it inside this application will
it produce more and better and positive attitude this to the store merge with the coronavirus
do you think that the politicians have a I know that in the central government sometimes
they're only about how many deaths are the problems when they have a different
perspective on on the same I think I'm at by 12 minutes how to really a good science into
solving the problems of course he's not as best as what we want as a scientist by telling the
government with keep talking to the government and I hope I do hope that you keep doing
this is the near future so that we can provide a better solution and I believe the government
would listen to science especially if you're telling me is you know any without any prompting
of interest at all back to solve the problems in present end break lie to you Professor Doshi
to finish do you think that the role of science is now better appreciated because of what
coronavirus is showing us I think this out. Basically by Medical Science on the hole is not
regarded as an any sense threatening by politicians basically everyone wants better help its
popular issue within the community nobody wants words Health obviously and action in
Australia on help from has a wise thing much easier than getting action on the environmental
front because often the environmental issues are in conflict with economic activity and that's
where the real problem comes in and end with ER and behavioral changes the way an old
the rest of the make basic concept on the medical side been incredibly successful look
across the planet people are living longer and healthier lives because of Medical Science
very important change thinking and I think we need some how we need a basic switch
everyone's head and to say some people will really the most important thing is that we can
go on living and then we can have a sustainable life a life where we see the benefits around
us the benefits of the natural beauty and Splendor and the benefits we get from nycha do
without them we need all these species and so if we could kind of Switched The Farmhouse
a but what's important to us it's the sign the bill of sale what's important to us is well we have
to get enough to eat and we have to have somewhere to live but we really don't have to
drive the fanciest car over rest of it was important to us to have a sustainable economy that's
what needs to happen because the politicians only a reflection of the body will adjust
Economist whoever we are basically a species and many other species can continue in the
because we know that many species of becoming extinct and I do not think we should think
that we will accept sobering woods and Jade Good Wife thank you so much. Jamal is Wells
that conversation absolutely and insides as well at a critical moment in the globe and how
we how we respond to things that's where we'll have to lay down a few words before I do
Asian and there are two very very special guest speakers there as well for mizuchi I am
former president of the institute for molecular biology and Professor doctor are usage there
was formerly
the dean of the faculty of medicine at University thank you again because and professor
color thank you so all I thank you also for your apply at 7 and I'll let me talk about the covid-
19 gal to my understanding is very complicated because we are dealing of course with the
discovery of accidental patient Animal Jam show on my perspective it's because I mentioned
before black and following the house including of course not all the way for the anyone using
masker and How did the bed beat up before of the amount at the critical issues so I'll
postpone and another including the president as well would like to keep on the day to do the
election so now the problem is how to prepare to join the selection but still on the discipline 4
so it's a lot that used to bold moves from one of government economic recovery for the
people because when we talked about to have the healthy people have that we have to do
see how to access it's not so important to discuss we are lucky and very happy a lot and we
can manage to have the people the hospital from the donations or another story mode out
for the Indonesian people like to hear of so and thank you thank you for a nice to have you
on our way back now and again thank you lovely to meet you and thank you so much thank
you goodbye now I'm going to reintroduce don't he's going to take you through the second
house all see where they're not talking about the coronavirus and the different impacts on
The Importance of Being a scientist at this time City I will hand it over to you

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