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UNITY – Unity is being harmony or one in spirit

UNITY in LANGUAGE - The general aim of The Unity of Linguistic Meaning is to deliver
a solution to the so-called ‘unity of the proposition’ problem as it pertains to linguistic
meaning. The problem is to explain what needs to be added to a collection of elements
to make a structured unity comprising those elements. In linguistic terms, the problem is
to explain what distinguishes a contentful sentence from a list of words. The volume can
be roughly divided into three parts. Firstly, the focus on language is explained and the
unity problem is stated accompanied by three desiderata on an adequate solution. The
problem is divided into two by way of a distinction between an interpretive and a
combinatorial problem; the latter problem will be the focus of the volume. The general
import of the desiderata is that an account of unity must explain—or at least be
consistent with—the fact that the difference between contenful and non-contentful
structures solely turns on the content of the constituent words.

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