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A condition in which a person has

trouble breathing.
-It occurs when a certain air sacs in the
lungs have been damaged and the
alveolar membrane that assist in the
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
has depleted.
As a result ,CO2 is not expelled properly
from the lungs. This respiratory
condition is a common problem for
heavy smokers
A condition that causes breathing
problem. This is an obstructive
respiratory disorder caused by the
inflammation of the air passage,
which narrows the path and blocks
the normal flow of air within the
respiratory tract.
The symptoms of asthma
include shortness of breath,
chest tightness, wheezing,
and dry cough.
3. Bronchitis
a Respiratory condition involving
the bronchial tubes. This is caused
by an infection in the air passages
of the lungs, which increase the
production of mucus and result in
severe coughing
3. Bronchitis
Symptoms are frequent coughing,
shortness of breath, and wheezing
4.Cystic Fibrosis
A genetic respiratory disorder
that result from a
malfunctioning gene that
causes excessive mucus
buildup in the air passages.
4.Cystic Fibrosis
symptoms are frequent
breathing problems, salty skin,
excessive coughing, and
occurrence of other r. diseases
A condition in which immune cells
grow granulomas, cellular lumps in
any organ of the body that affect
mostly the lungs and the lymph
nodes in the chest
Genetic malformation, infection,
environmental factors, and harmful
substances are some of the things that
can cause inflammation and the growth of
granulomas in the lungs and other
affected organs
6. Pleural Effusion

-Occurs when excess liquid accumulates

around the pleural layers surrounding the
lungs and the chest cavity.
6. Pleural Effusion
7. Pneumonia
One of the well-known
respiratory diseases. It pertains to
the inflammation of tissues in the
alveoli that is due to the build up of
fluid in the air sacs.
7. Pneumonia
The fluid builds up because of
viruses or bacteria
7. Pneumonia
Symptoms are excessive counghing,
coughing up blood, breathing
difficulties, fever, sweating,
shivering, chest pain, and nausea.
8. Tuberculosis (TB)

An infectious disease acquired by

inhaling the particles from the
coughs or sneezes of a person with
tuberculosis. It is cause by a
bacterium that primarily damages
the lungs.
8. Tuberculosis (TB)

But may affect other parts of the body

such as abdomen, bones, or the nervous
system. The common symptoms of a TB
infection include prolonged coughing,
unwanted weight loss, fatigue, fever, and
swelling in the neck
9. Asbestosis
A chronic respiratory condition
that commonly damages the
lungs when one inhales asbestos,
a white substance that had been
used in manufacturing housing
9. Asbestosis
Common symptoms coughing ,
shortness of breath, constant
wheezing, fatigue, chest pain,
and in some cases, swollen
10.Pulmonary Edema
A condition in which fluid
accumulates in the air sacs of the
lungs, causing difficulty in
10.Pulmonary Edema
The common symptoms are
prolonged coughing, breathing
difficulties, and chest pain.
11. Pulmonary
Occurs when a
blood clot forms in
an artery in the
lungs and obstruct
the blood flow.
12.Pulmonary Hypertension
Occurs when the blood vessels
in the lungs experience high
blood pressure, which can stiffen
or damage the vessel.
Circulatory ailment of the
arteries. In this condition,
cholesterol and fat
absorbing cells block the
big blood vessels and
intervene with the blood
supply throughout the
When blood lacks healthy red
blood cells and hemoglobin, the
distribution of oxygen
throughout the cells of your body
becomes insufficient.
A type of cancer in the blood
and the bone marrow . It
specifically attacks the immune
system of the body.
4. Hypertension
Also known as high blood
pressure. Blood pressure is the
force that the blood exerts
against the walls of arteries, and
it is commonly measured, using a
5.Coronoary Heart Disease
Occurs when the arteries that
supply blood to the heart
harden and narrow because of
the accumulation of cholesterol
plaque in them
6.Rheumatic Heart
Characterized by the
inflammation of the
inner lining and the
failure of the heart
valve to close.
7.Congenital Heart
Refers to a
Physical defect
that has been
present in an
individual since his
or her birth.

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