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Adjustment in Marriage

Midterm Quiz

I. Activity/Application

1. Discuss in a brief manner the factors related to marital success. (8 pts)

 Marital success generally refers to the achievement of one or more goals including
permanence, companionship, fulfilling expectations of the community and so forth
(Eshleman). On the part of the couple, marital success is achieved when they perceive
that their marriage is happy and their experiences are satisfying.
2. In your own opinion, what are the top 5 sources of conflict among husband and wife today?
Why do you say so? (7pts)
 Money - Sit down together and work out a budget. Agree to take a look at expenses
every month. If the meeting is prearranged and you both come to the table with 100%
transparency, the conversation about money can move from the emotional to the
 Intimacy - Planning doesn’t kill spontaneity.
 Priorities- Power in the marriage relationship is gained only by giving it away. It’s
important to remember that the first priority is always love, that love gives itself away,
and that love does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking.
 Children- There will always be couples fighting about children. Recognize that tensions
run high because you both love them so much. Then turn conflict into communication
by saying, I need your help figuring out how to deal with this at the start of those
 Family Communication- Don’t watch TV during meals. Dedicate 30 minutes every
evening to “conversation with coffee” (or the beverage of your choice). Go through our
conversation starters and actually schedule a time for face-to-face communication every

II. Assessment

1. In your own view, what is the most unforgiveable grounds for you to file a legal separation.
Name at least three (3) then explain it shortly.
 repeated physical violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against the petitioner, a
common child, or a child of the petitioner.
 physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner to change religious or political
 attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the
petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance in such corruption or inducement

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