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According to the REPUBLIC ACT No. 9287 and with the support on the article 2013
under the Gambling section of the civil code of the Philippines, illegal gambling is
defined as any action performed by a person who, indirectly or directly participates in
various gaming activities, regardless of winning is based on probability, ability, or both,
where wagers consist of articles of value and money is at stake or such gaming scheme
was not authorized by the government. Based on this article regarding the rise in
numbers of illegal online gambling, executive orders were released earlier this year to
strengthen the battle against illegal gambling in the Philippines. Executive Order No. 13
directs relevant law enforcement agencies to collaborate on anti-illegal gambling efforts
and clarifies the territorial authority of government agencies. Relevant law enforcement
agencies are brought together under this executive order to strengthen the battle
against illegal gambling by coordinating efforts and responding quickly to requests from
gambling regulatory authorities to investigate and deter illegal gambling activities in their

With these alarming online illegal gambling, people involved in these schemes are
highly at the risk of being scammed for not getting paid by the creditor, ignoring the law
in delivering the sum and exchanges of prices that creditors and debtors stipulated, and
vulnerable to invasions of user privacy information leading to fraud. That is why there is
a provision under article 2038 in the civil code of the Philippines stating that a
compromise that involves an error, theft, assault, coercion, undue control, or falsification
of documents is subject to the provisions of this Code's article 1330. In conclusion, to
prevent such illegal schemes, people must secure sensitive information to prevent
fraudulent activities. Also, people must only trust gambling platforms that are licensed,
accredited by the government, and has the latest SSL encryption. It is also needed for
everyone to has background knowledge on the civil codes implied for credit
transactions. So, that we could be able to prevent such harmful schemes and crimes.

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