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A pleasant morning to each and everyone. My name is Jewel Misch A. Tomogbong.

I am the
newly elected SPG President of C.V Diez Memorial Central Elementary School. Before I elucidate my
capacities as the newly inducted SPG President of my alma mater, I would like to express my heartfelt
gratitude to everyone who voted for me because they believe in me. Thank you very much to my family,
friends, teachers, staff, and many volunteers that helped me with my campaign. It is really an honor and
privilege that you believe in my abilities. Without all of you, we would not have been able to succeed.

Being elected as President of the Supreme Pupil Government for the Academic Year 2021-2022
is a wonderful honor, privilege, experience, and, of course, an opportunity to lead the Supreme Pupil
Government, which is the top pupil organization in all Philippine primary schools. I have often wondered
if I'm deserving of the position of SPG President. Is it possible for me to handle things appropriately,
especially the difficult ones? Is it certain that I will be able to carry out my obligations and
responsibilities as President of SPG? These were the most difficult questions for me to answer. To be
honest, I never anticipated to run for President of the SPG in my life. But, after winning the election, I
promise myself that I would fulfill my duties and be a humble and responsible president to all.

With all my leadership skills, my vision for this organization is for the betterment of this
government. Despite the fact that this pandemic has taken a huge toll on our lives, I will do everything in
my power to be a spokesperson for the voiceless. With the help of my platforms, I will raise awareness
like bullying specifically cyberbullying that consistently occur in schools nowadays. I will try my best to
help my fellow learners with their education amidst these trying times. Lastly, I will open my ears and
hear their opinions about school-related activities. Although the current condition right now is difficult
to deal with, I believe that being a trustworthy and accountable leader for this organization is the best
thing I can do.

Once again, a pleasant morning to everyone. Thank you. God bless us all and stay safe.

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