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First of all, I will start by saying that this video taught me a lot and
strengthened my desire to create a professional career oriented towards others. I
really admire those in the video for the way they managed to get through that
period or still go through that period without resorting to suicide, that only shows
how strong they are.
It seemed very cruel to me that if you do not have a family you do not have
the right to adopt a pet that could help you heal or give you a reason to continue
living, you cannot impose such rules and more then wonder why the suicide rate is
so high. In Romania we have so many animals in shelters and we do not take
advantage of this to avoid social isolation.
In Japan, opening alternative schools for children is a brilliant idea, in
Romania we do not have such a thing and I have not heard of people who want to
end this phenomenon.
In Romania, however, we have a huge number of children who do not have
the financial possibilities to have the chance to go to school, so there is no
question of falling into social isolation, in Japan I don't think there are such so
many cases of poverty.
The way of thinking in Japan said: ‘’If a child can't do something then it's
the parent's fault’’, but in Romania parents don't assume the same things, rather
they tend to blame the child for what he is not able to do. Again, It's very sad.

I also noticed that the Japanese tend to vent their anger on theirs family
members if they do not conform to the standards, the older brother asking his own
mother if he wants him to kill his younger brother is not, is not something over to
pass easily, in here I don't think people would resort to killing someone just
because it's different, not directly at least, they can harass him but to resort to
killing voluntarily? No, I don't think so.

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