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Interview Guide

1.One and a half years roughly

2.I would classify a youth as a young person betweent the ages of 18-30

3.For me, job is any task or work , especially one that is paid.

4.White collar jobs are very difficult to find here but for the menial jobs , it is a little bit easier finding

5. Most of us lack the needed skills for a job. Moreover, our level of education is too low , thereby
making most of us unemployed.

6. Jobs are available in the community. Very few white collar jobs and many menial jobs.

7. Hair dressing, sewing, shoe making, shop attendants,etc.

8. They are not happy with it since the few jobs they even get tend to pay little thereby making a 3-
square meal even a problem.

9. Most of the youth think the unemployment keeps rising everyday and as such government should
intervene quickly

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