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Sphere Interactions

The 4 spheres are: lithosphere (land), hydrosphere (water), atmosphere (air) and biosphere
(living things).

All the spheres interact with other spheres. For example, rain (hydrosphere) falls from clouds
in the atmosphere to the lithosphere and forms streams and rivers that provide drinking water
for wildlife and humans as well as water for plant growth (biosphere). River action erodes banks
(lithosphere) and uproots plants (biosphere) on the riverbanks. Flooding rivers wash away soil.
You get the idea!

Study the coastline in the photograph. Suggest 5 interactions that are

occurring between the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere and biosphere
in this landscape?

Here are some possible interactions that you may have thought of.
• waves undercut the cliffs causing upper portions of rock to collapse.
• wave action carries sand that polishes rocks on the beach.
• water evaporates from the ocean into atmosphere.
• water vapour condenses to form clouds.
• clouds produce rain.
• rainwater needed for plant growth.
• plant roots stabilize the soil.
• vegetation takes up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and releases oxygen.
• vegetation adds nutrients to the soil.
• the ocean is a habitat for microscopic life, plants, fish, birds and mammals.
• wind generates waves.
• wind may blow away soil in exposed locations.
• oceans absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
• wave action adds oxygen to water, needed by aquatic plants and animals.

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