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C r i t i c a l C a re I s s u e s o f t h e

G eriatric Pat i en t
Maurice F. Joyce, MD, EdM, John Adam Reich, MD*

 Geriatric critical care  Physiologic effects of aging  End-of-life care  Frailty

 Critical care of the geriatric patient is complicated by the interaction of disease with dimin-
ished physiologic reserves.
 Frailty, the vulnerable clinical phenotype that makes geriatric patients less able to over-
come a stressor, provides a valuable measure of guiding course of care in geriatric
 Improved outcomes in geriatric trauma will depend on geriatric-specific triage, assess-
ment, and treatment protocols.


Caring for critically ill patients in need of life-sustaining support has become a spe-
cialty of its own over the last 40 years. Critical care medicine has shown value to pa-
tients and care organizations by improving outcomes, controlling cost, and
investigating and applying therapy in an evidenced-based manner. Because of chang-
ing demographics, critical care of the geriatric patient will become commonplace over
the next 30 years. The intensivist must understand physiologic changes associated
with aging, manage common comorbid states, and navigate end-of-life care in the
geriatric patient. In critical illness, a systems-based approach is used to develop a
daily plan, and the same format is used in this article to view the critically ill geriatric


In the United States in 2010, there were 40 million people older than 65 years, account-
ing for roughly 13% of the population.1 By 2050, an estimated 80 million people,
approximately 20% of the population, will be age 65 years or older.1 A smaller

The authors report no conflicts of interest or disclosures.

Department of Anesthesiology, Tufts Medical Center, 800 Washington Street, Boston, MA
02111, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Anesthesiology Clin 33 (2015) 551–561
1932-2275/15/$ – see front matter Ó 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
552 Joyce & Reich

percentage of younger workers are predicted even if current immigration rates remain
unchanged, thus placing a greater financial strain on funding the health care system.1
This inevitable strain has implications for planning intensive care facilities, staffing the
workforce, and financing the health care system.
In 2006, approximately 50% of all admissions to intensive care units (ICUs) were
elderly patients, and those patients consumed 60% of all ICU days.2 Further, during
the last 6 months of life, ICU days account for 25% of all Medicare dollars spent.3
This financial burden has caused policy makers to focus on end-of-life spending as
a target for bringing health care spending under control. This is a difficult task for
the clinician, because it is debatable how much cost savings can really be obtained,
because the cost of dying is known only in retrospect.4 With technological advance-
ment, cost containment will continually be revisited while trying to optimize quality
care to the critically ill geriatric population.


Normal aging results in less brain mass and consequently, less cerebral blood flow.5
As age increases, cognitive processing time and motor performance slow.6 The
prevalence of dementia increases with age, resulting in half of 85-year-olds having
this disease.6 Although causes of cognitive impairment are varied (including stroke,
vascular dementia, and so forth), Alzheimer disease is responsible for 60% to
70%.7 Cognitive impairment and psychological morbidity can manifest in the ICU
as delirium, anxiety, acute stress disorder, and depression.8 Absence of adaptive de-
vices (hearing aids, eye glasses, dentures) can functionally disable patients and be a
contributor to altered mental status in the elderly patient placed in a strange new
environment: the ICU.

Chronic pain is common in the elderly patient, arising from a lifetime of strain from
wear-and-tear and common disease states such as osteoarthritis. The prevalence
of chronic pain in 85-year-olds reaches 40% to 79%.9 Despite the high prevalence
of chronic pain, acute pain perception in the elderly may be blunted. One study re-
ported less activity in the insular cortex on functional MRI to painful thermal stimulus.10
This blunted response may be explained by loss of pain and temperature fibers (A-d)
with age.11 Thus, although acute increases in pain should serve as early warning signs
in these patients, pain is less likely to be the presenting symptom in patients with
peptic ulcers, myocardial ischemia, postoperative pain, and pneumonia,12 diagnoses
commonly seen in the ICU. Treatment of pain in the ICU is one of the primary functions
of the intensivist-led team. Balancing treatment of chronic pain and acute pain from
surgery or procedures can be difficult, because of limited physiologic cardiopulmo-
nary reserve. In addition, assessing pain in patients with dementia can be difficult. Pa-
tients with dementia may not have cognitive ability to rate pain by number. Further,
they have been shown to have increased facial expressions to pain13 but on the con-
trary have less change in vital signs when subjected to venopuncture or other noxious
stimuli.14 This author places the postoperative elderly patient on scheduled acetamin-
ophen. This therapy allows for a baseline level of pain control to be achieved without
the dangerous side effect profile of opioids. Opioids should be started at 25% to 50%
of the recommended adult dose in the elderly.15 In geriatric patients with minimal fat
reserves, fentanyl transdermal patches may be less effective because of impaired ab-
sorption. Using nonopioid alternatives such as ketorolac, or weak opioids such as tra-
madol, is an option for mild to moderate pain, which can also avoid side effects of
Critical Care Issues of the Geriatric Patient 553

stronger m-receptor agonists. Adjunctive medications such as gabapentin can have

sedative effects in the elderly, which may be more pronounced during critical illness.

Delirium is common in the ICU and when present is associated with longer duration of
mechanical ventilation, longer ICU stay, longer hospital stay,16 and in several studies,
increased mortality.17 Importantly, the causes of delirium are still debated. There are
several preexisting factors that predispose patients to delirium: dementia, history of hy-
pertension, history of alcoholism, or a high severity of illness.18 Physical restraints are
most closely associated with delirium,16 although it is unknown if the presence of re-
straints is associated with less mobility or behavior that precedes delirium. Pain, agita-
tion, and sedation guidelines by the Society of Critical Care Medicine suggest that
benzodiazepine use may predispose patients to delirium.17 If alternative agents can
be used, it is prudent to avoid benzodiazepines in geriatric patients. Treatment with min-
imal sedation, encouraging sleep–wake cycle, noise reduction, early mobilization, and
minimization of restraints have all been used to try to avoid delirium, with mixed results.
Antipsychotic therapy has been a main pharmacologic treatment; however, studies
show that it has not reduced delirium prevalence or duration.16 It is better to prevent
delirium than to treat it. The most effective means of managing delirium is related to
the ICU bundle ABCDE: A for awakening, BC for breathing coordination, D for delirium
assessment/management, and E for early exercise/mobility.19 Early mobility represents
a paradigm shift in caring for the critically ill patient. Previously, all medical problems
were fixed and patients were hemodynamically normal off vasoactive drugs and toler-
ating enteral feeds before getting up out of bed. Thinking has now shifted toward early
mobility such as walking patients down the hall while they are still dependent on me-
chanical ventilation. This early mobility can limit muscle wasting and stiffness that is
associated with critical illness, in addition to improving mental outlook on recovery. In
1 study,19 this ABCDE bundle with emphasis on early mobility has resulted in half the
amount of delirium as well as 3 days fewer of mechanical ventilation.
Delirium, glucose dysregulation, hypoxemia, sedatives, analgesics, hypotension,
and inflammation are all proposed contributors to post-ICU cognitive impairment.20
It is unclear how to modify all of these factors, but limiting sedation, early mobility,
and having a shortened length of stay in the hospital are reasonable goals. A low-
cost method for decreasing rate of posttraumatic stress disorder is having staff main-
tain an ICU diary.21 This practice allows the patient to go back through the entries and
confront or reprocess threatening ICU experiences.21 Care of the elderly patient also
involves caring for their family. A recent study22 found that the prevalence of depres-
sion in informal caregivers of critically ill patients was 75% during an ICU admission,
and subsequently 25% a year later.


As individuals age, there is an increasing presence of heart failure, valve disease, and
arrhythmias.23 A decrease in the physiologic reserve of the heart may be unmasked
during critical illness, further complicating their management. As the population
ages, the incidence of coronary heart disease increases by 26% and mortality by
51%. Cost of coronary care is projected to increase by 41% by 2040.24

An increase in collagen and fat deposition and a decline in the number of cardiac myo-
cytes occur with age.25 The conduction system is affected, causing sinus node
554 Joyce & Reich

dysfunction (sick sinus syndrome), atrial fibrillation, and bundle branch blocks. Pres-
ence of atrial fibrillation increases with age and reaches 6% by age 80 years.26
Recently, new onset atrial fibrillation was found to be an independent risk factor for
60-day mortality versus those without atrial fibrillation (51% vs 21%) in the medical
ICU.27 In sepsis, new onset atrial fibrillation is more common in the elderly and was
found to be associated with increased length of ICU stay, increased hospital stay,
and an increased rate of stroke.28 New onset atrial fibrillation in the ICU is not just a
temporary arrhythmia associated with an underlying disease process but likely is a
harbinger of worse outcomes. The presence of sinus node dysfunction, coronary dis-
ease, and low ejection fractions leads to implantation of pacemakers and automatic
defibrillators. These devices require interrogation during the perioperative period
and deactivation in end-of-life situations and can be used to overdrive pace certain
arrhythmias or increase heart rate when the intensivist needs more cardiac output.

Valvular Disease
The presence of aortic stenosis increases with age. Symptoms of aortic stenosis can
include syncope, dyspnea, and flash pulmonary edema with overhydration. Slow
onset of stenosis allows the left ventricle to become hypertrophied, which in conjunc-
tion with coronary disease can lead to subendocardial ischemia during exertion.
Replacement of the aortic valve is the treatment. Open-heart surgery with cardiopul-
monary bypass is considered to be high-risk surgery, which may not be tolerated well
in the elderly. However, in 1 case series, elective cardiac surgery was performed safely
in patients older than 80 years (3% mortality), but the presence of chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease (COPD) or nonelective surgery increased mortality significantly to
14%.28 Recently, transfemoral percutaneous aortic valve replacements have become
a less invasive, viable alternative for aortic valve replacement in elderly patients who
are not good candidates for invasive surgery, having an approximately 75% 1-year
survival rate.29 It is important to not only look at survival as the only measure of suc-
cess, because quality of life scores as well as mortality are now used to grade success
of these interventions.30 At specialized centers, some are now performing these pro-
cedures in the catheterization laboratory without general anesthesia, further mini-
mizing cost and length of hospital stay for patients.30

Coronary Disease
Aging increases the risk of acute coronary syndrome. Risk factors associated with
increased mortality in patients older than 80 years with ST-elevated myocardial infarc-
tion include increased cholesterol levels and increased baseline serum creatinine
levels.31 In patients older than 70 years, percutaneous interventions with stents and
angioplasty have been shown to be superior to fibrinolytic therapy.32

Congestive Heart Failure

Systolic heart failure results from decreased contractility and decreased cardiac
output. This condition is managed with afterload reduction (ie, control of hypertension
with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor), low-dose b-blockade if tolerated,
and treatment of the underlying cause (ischemic [lifestyle modification, revasculariza-
tion, statin therapy] versus nonischemic). However, recently, there has been greater
focus on heart failure with preserved ejection (formerly known as diastolic heart fail-
ure). Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction is highly prevalent in the elderly pop-
ulation, and its prevalence is increasing.33 Over a lifetime of working, the myocardium
becomes stiffer as people age, and although ejection fraction may be preserved, the
relaxation of the ventricle can become impaired. People with preserved ejection
Critical Care Issues of the Geriatric Patient 555

fraction and congestive heart failure tended to also have coronary disease, atrial fibril-
lation, and hypertension compared with those who had systolic heart failure.33
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Age does not necessarily have an effect on the neurologic outcome after cardiopulmo-
nary resuscitation (CPR) for cardiac arrests out of hospital.34 In a French study,34 time
to performing CPR was most associated with increased survival in the elderly, with
short-term survival being 25%. Long-term cognitive positive outcomes were associ-
ated not with age but with the characteristics of CPR (shockable rhythm, lactate level
<5, and lower cumulative dose of epinephrine).34 Of elderly (>75 years old) survivors of
out-of-hospital CPR and their ICU stay, 75% were alive at 1 year compared with 96%
of the age cohort.34 CPR should not be limited by age but rather by characteristics of


Respiratory compliance decreases with age as a result of changes in both lung paren-
chyma and chest wall rigidity.
Respiratory Failure
Geriatric patients with respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome
recover at the same rate as younger patients but are less likely to be discharged
from the ICU.35 Pneumococcal pneumonia is primarily a disease of the geriatric pa-
tient. A recent analysis showed that in 2040, the demand for hospital admissions as
a result of pneumococcal pneumonia will increase 96% and the annual cost attributed
to this care will be 2.5 billion dollars.36 In addition to pneumococcal pneumonia, geri-
atric patients are also admitted to the ICU with congestive heart failure and COPD ex-
acerbations, both of which often require ventilator support. Both of these diagnoses
are shown to have better outcomes when noninvasive mechanical ventilation by
mask rather than endotracheal intubation is used. It is important that this ventilation
be performed in a nonrestrained patient, who can remove the mask if they vomit, or
be performed in an environment with strict monitoring from nurses to avoid


Renal physiology is significantly altered with age. By age 80 years, glomerular filtration
rate is decreased by nearly 45%, as a result of progressive loss of renal tubular mass
and decreased renal blood flow.37,38 In turn, geriatric patients have a decreased ability
to dilute and concentrate urine in addition to a decreased ability to clear pharmaco-
logic agents. Thus, it is imperative to take this altered physiology into account when
evaluating renal disease in critically ill geriatric patients.
Acute Kidney Injury
Age greater than 65 years has been shown to be an independent risk factor for the
development of acute kidney injury.39 Importantly, the cause of acute kidney injury
in this population is often multifactorial. It is well known that the incidence of comor-
bidities significantly increases with age.40 Notably, cardiovascular disease and
chronic kidney disease greatly increase the risk of acute kidney injury. In addition,
because of these comorbidities, this population is at risk for iatrogenic injury from
pharmacologic exposures and contrast exposure.41 Thus, the most important factor
in acute kidney injury management is the prevention of this condition. As shown in
556 Joyce & Reich

Table 1, multiple steps such as hemodynamic optimization and avoidance of nephro-

toxic agents can be taken to prevent this injury.42

Urinary Tract Infections

Bladder catheters are frequently used in critically ill geriatric patients as a result of
immobility and incontinence. Thus, this population is at an increased risk of
catheter-associated urinary tract infections and resultant morbidity and mortality.43
Based on this risk, significant attention has been given to reducing these infections,
namely through early discontinuation of catheters and alternative methods such as
condom catheters. For example, the use of daily bladder catheter reminders and
stop orders has been shown to reduce these infections.44

Table 1
Prevention of acute kidney injury in elderly ICU patients

Hemodynamics Initiate appropriate monitoring

Optimize preload, cardiac systolic or diastolic function, and vascular
Volume repletion Be attentive to signs of hypovolemia
Ensure early guided volume repletion
Limit use of diuretics and laxatives
Exogenous Limit use of all nephrotoxic drugs, in particular nonsteroidal
nephrotoxic antiinflammatory drugs and aminoglycosides
Avoid polypharmacy when possible
Avoid combining diuretics with nephrotoxic drugs
Adjust dose according to glomerular filtration rate
Do not base drug-dosing decisions on absolute creatinine levels
Measure drug levels
Contrast medium Avoid contrast medium, or at least delay contrast use if patient
at risk
Always use lowest possible quantity of contrast
Use hypo-osmolar or iso-osmolar and nonionic contrast
Adequate volume repletion (eg, NaCl 0.9%)
Bicarbonate infusion possibly beneficial
N-acetylcysteine use possibly beneficial
Infection and sepsis Low index of suspicion for early diagnosis
Diagnose/treat sepsis-related intravascular volume depletion,
vasoplegia, and cardioplegia
Early and appropriate antibiotic initiation
Early guided volume repletion, avoid high-molecular-weight
hydroxyethyl starch
Perioperative Differ surgery in at-risk patients if possible
optimization Initiate appropriate monitoring (hemodynamic, intra-abdominal
Early and guided optimization of volume status and hemodynamics
Limit exposure to nephrotoxins
Abdominal pressure Measure intra-abdominal pressure in all patients at risk
Avoid overresuscitation with fluids
Low tidal volume strategy, limit plateau pressure
Mechanical ventilation Low tidal volume strategy, limit plateau pressure
Weaning and extubation as early as possible

From Chronopoulos A, Rosner MH, Cruz DN, et al. Acute kidney injury in elderly intensive care
patients: a review. Intensive Care Med 2010;36(9):1459; with permission.
Critical Care Issues of the Geriatric Patient 557


In the United States, hospital mortality was found to be significantly higher for patients
75 years old and older even after adjusting for organ failure and code status.23 This
finding led the investigators to state that age greater than 75 years should be consid-
ered an independent risk factor for death.23 Besides age, another factor correlated
with mortality was preadmission quality of life and functional status.45 Not surprisingly,
there is heterogeneity in the aging population: some have preserved functional status
and others are described as frail. Frailty is described as a vulnerable clinical phenotype
less able to overcome a stressor.46 In the elderly, this situation can be caused by loss
of physiologic reserve. The frail are significantly less able to return home and are
frequently discharged to rehabilitation hospitals. Frail patients have been shown to
have worse outcomes in both noncardiogenic surgery and cardiac surgery alike.46
There are small studies that indicate that the clinical phenotype may be optimized
before elective surgery, and larger trials are now under way.47


Traumatic injuries in the elderly population are associated with significant morbidity
and mortality in addition to substantial health care costs and, thus, are a major public
health concern. Although physiologic and anatomic alterations in the elderly, as dis-
cussed earlier, can account for some of these outcomes, it is clear that improvement
is possible. Specifically, geriatric-specific protocols for triage, assessment, and treat-
ment may be helpful.48

In determining the destination for geriatric trauma patients, several factors can play a
significant role in outcomes. Matsushima and colleagues49 reported a correlation be-
tween the volume of geriatric patients cared for at a trauma center and lower odds of
in-hospital mortality, major complications, and mortality after major complications. In
addition, some have advocated for the use of geriatric-specific trauma triage criteria,
such as those used in Ohio.50 Ichwan and colleagues51 found that these geriatric-
specific triage criteria led to a higher sensitivity in identifying those patients who
require triage to a level 1 trauma center.

Because of baseline physiologic and anatomic alterations in geriatric patients in addi-
tion to the frequent presence of multiple comorbidities, it is important to tailor the
trauma assessment for these patients. As shown in Table 2, the systematic ABCDE
method of trauma assessment as taught in advanced trauma life support courses
can be modified to more appropriately assess and then subsequently manage these
patients.52 As discussed elsewhere in this review, assessment of frailty can also pro-
vide a means for providers to more appropriately predict outcomes in these patients.53

Because certain traumatic injuries are more common in geriatric patients, there has
been increased interest in customizing treatment protocols for these injuries. For
example, standardized and methodical approaches to the care of elderly patients
with hip fractures have resulted in improved outcomes. These protocols include early
mobilization of resources from the emergency department; consideration of hip frac-
tures as surgical emergencies; rapid transfer of these patients to a dedicated geriatric
558 Joyce & Reich

Table 2
Clinical considerations in the assessment of the geriatric trauma patient

Trauma ABCDE Clinical Considerations in the Geriatric Trauma Patient

Airway Macroglossia: upper airway obstruction
Lower esophageal sphincter tone: higher risk of aspiration
Arthritic process: decreased neck mobility, difficult airway
Breathing Chest wall rigidity: decreased compliance
Costochondral calcification: tendency to rib fractures and its complications
Higher closing volume: increases V/Q mismatch
Circulation Diastolic dysfunction: diastolic heart failure
Changes in conduction system: tendency to arrhythmias
Poor response to catecholamines: end diastolic volume dependence in stress
b-Blocker use: further decrease on catecholamine response
Anticoagulants: increase tendency to bleed
Deficit Thin walls of bridging veins in the dura: prone to tear and lead to subdural
Atherosclerotic plaques in the arterial system: increase likelihood of stroke
Exposure Skin/thermoregulation changes: hypothermia

Data from Awargal S, Azocar RJ. Trauma and the geriatric patient. In: Barnett SR, editor. Manual of
Geriatric Anesthesia. New York: Springer; 2013. p. 193–202.

unit after surgery; and rapid transfer of these patients to a dedicated rehabilitation


“Discharge from the ICU no longer marks the endpoint of critical illness.”57 Postinten-
sive care syndrome refers to the combination of physical and cognitive impairments
that persist after the ICU stay that impede the recovery process.58 In no other age
group is that more evident than in the elderly. A patient alive at hospital discharge
but transferred to a long-term facility to live in a severely debilitated state for the dura-
tion of their life may not be in keeping with the patient’s own values. Astoundingly, a
review of more than 35,000 Medicare patients showed that those who had been me-
chanically ventilated during their ICU stay and then discharged from the ICU to a reha-
bilitation hospital had a 1-year mortality of 57%.59
The geriatric patient in the ICU presents a complex interplay between normal loss of
physiologic reserve associated with aging, frailty, social factors, and critical illness. It
is the job of the intensivist to treat the underlying condition and optimize the patient’s
physiology to allow for meaningful recovery. Ideally, the primary care physician, family
members, and patient would discuss hopes and values before the onset of critical
illness; however, this responsibility many times falls on the critical care physician
and remains one of their most important and meaningful acts.


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