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Oral English Exam

Dear friend,

Hello my friend, I’m Carlos Franco, your online friend. We had been talking for a long time thanks to
Facebook, but in this occasion, I want to do something different, I’m going to tell you about myself in a
video, I know it is a little rare, but I think this is a good way to know more about us. So, I’ll start.

My full name is Carlos David Hernández Franco, I’m 19 years old and I live in Cúcuta. I also have lived in
Pamplona and Venezuela, but that was only for some months. I love animals, I have 3 cats, Zeus, Luna
and Bob; I have cared them since they were born. I live with my grand-mother Aurora, my aunt Liliana,
my uncle Toño and my cousin Adrián, but I can’t present them because I am not in house, this weekend
I’ll stay with my friend Kevin; he invited me last week and of course I accepted. In fact, he is recording
me, say hello Kevin (He says hello).

I like a lot of things, when I am in my house and I don’t making my homework or studying, I play
videogames with my friends, we usually play Valorant, it is a shooter game, or any game that we find
and seems funny or interesting. When I get out, I like go to play basketball in the park or walk by the city
with my friends, and sometimes, thought no many, I go to the pool because I like swimming.

I don’t watch TV but I like watching series on Netflix or anime; I liked “Sex education”, “Lucifer” and
“Dark” in this moment I don’t remember more; and anime I liked “Full metal alchemist”, “Evangelion”,
“My hero academy”, “One piece” and many others. When I like much an anime, I usually read its manga.

When I start this year, I still did exercises, I went to gym with my cousin and we were too disciplined, but
both we had to move and that finished, now where I live there aren’t any gym near, and it is very
expensive pay transport and gym because the price of bus incremented.

I’m studying degree in foreign languages at university of Pamplona, maybe when I am a professional, I
can go to visit you, but still, I must study more because I have much to learn. But I’m going for good way,
my daily routine is more or less so, I get up at 7am, I take a shower and after that I have lunch, and I
begin to study; and there, I am sitting down in a chair by hours, in front of my computer, it is so
exhausting but no matter, thanks to that I will be someone in this life, teaching and helping to children
of future.

Oh, see this, I have some pictures I want to show you:

- In this picture, I am with my sister, it was a costume party and my sister won a concurs.
- In this picture, my mom appears with us.
- This picture was taken one day before my graduation, I look weird JA, JA, JA, JA.
- This is the group picture, this was the same day as the previous picture, they were my
classmates and here I am in the middle, next to me are my friends Kevin and Sebastian.
- Oh, this was my day of graduation, I was walking with my mother for receive my diploma.
Remember after get out of there, we went to eat because I was very hungry.
- And in this picture, I am with my math teacher, he was my titular and a great teacher.

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