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famous person
by short story
Created by
Deviakovych Anna
He is a Hong Kong and American film actor, director,
screenwriter, producer, popularizer and reformer in the field of
Chinese martial arts, martial arts master.

In his youth, he danced cha-cha-cha, and then became a martial

artist. He moved so fast that the movie camera could not keep
up with him - you had to slow down the film. He advised his
fans: "Become water." He was ruined by a pill from the head.

A. Chuck Norris.
B. Jean-Claude Van
C. Bruce Lee
This is Bruce

American bodybuilder, entrepreneur, film actor, producer and

politician of Austrian descent. 38th Governor of California.

Winner of a number of bodybuilding awards, including a seven-

time Mr. Olympia title holder. He always wanted to become rich
and famous. He became them - thanks to the ability to give his
body the desired shape. His phrase "See you, baby" became

A. Brad Pitt
B. Arnold
C. Daniel Craig
This is Arnold

talian artist and scientist, inventor, writer, musician, one of the

largest representatives of the art of the High Renaissance, a
vivid example of the "universal man".

He was the first to explain why the sky is blue and the moon
shines. He was ambidexter and dyslexic. Bill Gates bought his
work for $ 30 million, and the Louvre spent $ 5.5 million to move
his painting from one room to another.

A. Michelangelo
B. Picasso
C. Leonardo da Vinci
This is
Leonardo da Vinci

Turned out to be the star of the most popular reality TV show

in America. At 21, she earned her first billion and became the
youngest billionaire in the world. Two years later, she sold a
controlling stake in her company and soon lost her billionaire
status. Forbes now estimates her fortune at $ 620 million, and
she continues to open her own brands.

A. Kylie Jenner
B. Nicole Kidman
C. Megan Fox
This is
Kylie Jenner

Hollywood actress of Ukrainian origin, who gained worldwide

popularity, playing her rival Natalie Portman in the thriller
"Black Swan". She is also known for her role in the comedie,
"The Third Extra".

A. Julia Roberts
B. Mila Kunis
C. Demi Moore
This is
Mila Kunis

He is an American entrepreneur, inventor and industrial

designer, an American entrepreneur. Chairman of the Board of
Computer Corporation "Apple", founder of the company
"Pixar", a computer animation company.

A. Mark Zuckerberg
B. Chris Hughes
C. Steve Jobs
This is
Mila Kunis

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