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You can’t just force everyone to get vaccinated, because we all have different reason weather we

want or we don’t want to get vaccinated. First reason is the vaccine choices, we don’t have the freedom
to choose the brand of the vaccine that we want to take. You can’t just say to all the people that “the
best vaccine is the one that is available” because that’s kind of stupid to say, why can’t we just choose
the vaccine that we want to take instead of forcing people to get vaccinated by a specific brand of
vaccine? I know that we struggle to stock “high quality vaccine” but why does seem like they prioritized
giving those vaccine to the wealthy families? Can’t we distribute vaccines equally so that it will get the
trust of the hesitant people wo doesn’t want to get vaccinated?

The 2nd reason is it seems like the government is pursuing most of its vaccine to China even though
they can get vaccine from different country like USA that sells their vaccine a lot cheaper than the China
vaccines (according on what I’m seeing on social media platforms). The efficacy of the vaccines that the
government is pursuing from China is at approximately 51% and it cost more than the vaccines from
Pfizer and Moderna which has a higher efficacy rate.

What I can say about the hesitant people is it’s okay to be hesitant to the vaccine as long as you want
to get vaccinated in the future by the vaccine of your choice. But when the time comes that you don’t
have any choices in vaccines, take the one that is available because it won’t even take half of your life
and you don’t always get the things that you want in life, sometimes you need to lower your standards
in order to keep up with life. If we reached the heard immunity which is 70% of the people vaccinated,
we might go back to our normal life and get children back to normal face to face classes. So if you want
to get the vaccine that you want, you wait for it, but if you don’t have any choice left, then take what is

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