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Madyson's Travels

In 2019, I went to Greece for a senior trip with all of my closest
friends. I explored the city of Athens, Delphi Mountain, and Tolo.
I loved this trip because I got to see all the different sides of
Greece with my friends before we graduated.

My family and I went on a trip around Europe in 2012. We visited
Rome and Venice. The food was amazing, and I was able to see how
Italian food was created. I loved learning about Italy's history, and
it is a place I want to visit again.

My favorite part about visiting Paris was the culture and iconic
monuments. I was able to visit the Louvre museum and see the Mona Lisa.
Although I am not a fan of French food, I did love the desserts from Paris.

London was the first the first stop on my family's European tour. I loved the
city atmosphere and tea spots. I visited the Buckingham Palace and
observed the changing of the guards. With being only 12 years old, I could
not visit any pubs, but I do want to go back and do that in the future.

The Caribbean is one of my favorite places to travel. I love the
clear water and temperature. I am from Florida, so I am used to
the heat. I frequently visit the Caribbean on cruises, and I hope
to travel there more once cruises are sailing again.

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