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A. Was or were? Fill in the gaps.

B. Reread the text in exercise A

My name is Peter and I ________ and answer these questions.
born on April, 15th, 1990. I live in
1. When was Peter born? ___________
Scotland, but my brothers and I
________ born in England. Our address 2. Where were Peter and his brothers

_______ 50 Green Road, London N4 3EF. It born? __________________________________

_______a very noisy road but our flat ________
on the 10th floor, so it ________ OK. The Taylors 3. What was his address? ________________
________ our neighbours. They ________ very _______________________________________
n people. Their son, Brian, ________ my best
4. What was his road like? ________________
friend. We ________ at the same school and we _______________________________________
liked the same things. Well, except
1. _______ are weGeography…
_______? Is it ______
Boston or 5. Who were Peter’s neighbours? _________
I ________ bad at it and Brian pretty
Virginia? _______________________________________
good. When Brian heard we were moving to
Scotland he ________ very sad and so ________ 6. Were they good at Geography? _________
I. After all, we ________ best friends!
C. Write questions for these answers. _______________________________________

1. ______________________________________________________?
No, Peter wasn’t an only child. He had two brothers.
2. _______________________________________________________?
No, his flat was not noisy because it was on the 10th floor.
3. ____________________________________________________________?
Brian was his best friend.
4. ______________________________________________________________?
No, they weren’t in different schools. They were at the same school.
5. ________________________________________________________________________?
No, Peter wasn’t happy when he moved to Scotland. He was sad.

D. Now ask questions to your partner and complete the fact file. Use the Simple Past.
Date of
birth:_________________ 1.
Place of birth:
Age he/she started 2.
school:____ _____________________________________________________?
Favourite Christmas present:
3. _________________________________ when you started school?
_ 4.
Favourite subject last year:

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