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Gandum (Triticum aestivum L.

) merupakan tanaman alloheksaploid yang berasal dari

daerah subtropis. Menurut Nur (2013) pengembangan gandum di Indonesia selama ini
diarahkan pada dataran tinggi dengan ketinggian > 800 m di atas permukaan laut (dpl)
dengan suhu sekitar 22-24 0C. Apabila gandum dibudidayakan di dataran tinggi maka akan
bersaing dengan komoditas sayuran dan tanaman hortikultura. Terbatasnya jumlah varietas
gandum yang mampu beradaptasi dengan baik di dataran tinggi Indonesia juga merupakan
kendala dalam usaha produksi gandum sehingga upaya untuk menghasilkan varietas gandum
masih diperlukan.
Japan is a developed country that has advanced technology and culture that is very
interesting to explore. In addition to the culture of the community which is very educational, I
am also interested in the culinary of this country with the concept of fast food but very
nutritious. Fukuoka City was designated by the Japanese government as a National Strategic
Special Zone city. And this city has been set to be the focus of the start up business
movement. I am interested in applying for an International Community Service Program in
Fukuoka Japan because I want to know how students at Japanese universities study and
discipline them. in addition to visiting universities in Japan such as Fukuoka University,
Kurume University, and The University of Kitakyushu. In this international research program
I hope to gain knowledge and experience that can be useful in the future. My hope after
participating in this activity is knowing Japanese culture, how to learn students, and
technology from Japan and can be shared with my friends who are in Indonesia.

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