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Kinds of Operator
Precedence of Operator
Type Casting

Decide the semantics of expression

Meaning of operator given in language system

Kinds of Operator
Arithmetic Op. : + - * / %
Relational Op. : > >= < <= == !=
Logical Op. : && || !
Inc/Dec Op. : ++ --
Operators of Java Bit Op. : & | ^ ~ << >> >>>
Conditional Op. : ?:
Assign Op. : = += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= >>= <<= >>>=
Casting Op. : (Data Type)
Array Op. : []
Method Op. : () .
instanceof Op. : instanceof
Arithmetic Operator

Operator for arithmetic operation

Single term operator : +, -
Binary term operator : +, -, *, /, %

x = -5 ;
x = -(-5) ;
x = -(3-5) ;

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Arithmetic Operator

Real type operation

Floating point discription and operation: IEEE754
underflow, overflow

Infinitive arithmetic
java.lang.Float, java.lang.Double,
NaN(Not a Number)
Arithmetic Operator
Add, Substract
x y x+y x-y
+I.F +I.F +I.F NaN
+I.F - I.F NaN +I.F
- I.F +I.F NaN - I.F
- I.F - I.F - I.F NaN
NaN +I.F NaN NaN
Multiply, Divide
x y x/y x%y
Finite 0.0  I.F NaN
Finite I.F 0.0
0.0 0.0 NaN NaN
I.F Finite  I.F NaN
I.F I.F NaN NaN
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Relational Operator

Compare two value

Result : true or false
Expression include relational operator
for, while, ...
, =, , =, ==, = a > b + c ===> a > (b + c)
b == x < y ===> b == (x < y)
 precedence 

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Conditional Operator

Conditional Logical Relationship of two

! , && , ||

a < b && b < c

1 2

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Increment & Decrement Operator
++, --
Prefix operator
n = 1;
x = ++n; // x=2, n=2

Postfix operator
n = 1;
x = n++; // x=1, n=2

Cannot use at expression, only at variable

Cannot apply at real type
(a + b)++ // error
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Bitwise Operator

&, |, <<, >>, >>>, ^, ~
Operand should be integer type
Operator Precedence
~ (H)
<< >> >>>
| (L)
Bitwise Operator
Bitwise AND
10012 & 00112 = 00012
To extract the special area in variable by masking that
Bit OR
10012 | 00112 = 10112
Exclusive AND
10012 ^ 00112 = 10102
1’s Complement
~ 000010102 = 111101012
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Bitwise Operator

Bitwise Shift Operator

Shift lefe(<<)
x << y = x * 2y

Shift right(>>)
x >> y = x / 2y

Unsigned shift right(>>>)

 Give this operator because Java does not support unsigned integer.

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The Conditional Operator

Expr1 ? Expr2 : Expr3 (3 Terms Operator)
if (x > y) max = x;
max = x > y ? x : y ; else max = y;

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m = a > b ? (c > a ? c : a) : (c > b ? c : b) ;

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Assignment Operators

Expr 1 = Expr 1 op Expr2 Expr1 op= Expr 2

Arithmetic operator : + - * / %
Bitwise operator : & | ^ << >> >>>

sum = sum + i ; sum += i ;

x = x * y + 1; x *= y + 1;

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x = x * (y+1)
Cast Operator

Data Type Casting Operator

(Data Type) 식

Cast operator : ( , )

(int) 3.75 ===> 3

(float) 3 ===> 3.0
(float) (1 / 2) ===> 0.0
(float)1/2 ===> 0.5

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Operator Precedence
Operator Association Precedence
() [] . Left Assoc. (High)
! ~ ++ -- + - (Data Type) Left Assoc.
* / % Left Assoc.
+ - Left Assoc.
<< >> >>> Left Assoc.
< <= > >= instance Left Assoc.
== != Left Assoc.
& Left Assoc.
^ Left Assoc.
| Left Assoc.
&& Left Assoc.
|| Left Assoc.
?: Left Assoc.
= += -= *= /= %= &= ^= |= <<= >>= >>>= Left Assoc. (Low)
Operator Precedence

a=x+y-z; // Left Association

b = -x ; // Right Association
c = -x++ ;
d = -++x ;
e = -x + z ;
Type Conversion

Size Direction of Data Type

Widening Type Conversion (Casting down)
 Smaller Data Type → Larger Data Type
Narrowing Type Conversion (Casting up)
 Larger Data Type → Smaller Data Type

Who will convert the type?

Implicit type conversion
 Carried out by compiler automatically
Explicit type conversion
 Carried out by programmer using casting
Type Conversion

Widening Type Converstion

Implicit conversion by compiler automatically

Examples :
byte -> short, int, long, float, double
short -> int, long, float, double
char -> int, long, float, double
int -> long, float, double
long -> float, double
float -> double

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Type Conversion

Narrowing Type Conversion

Programmer should describe the conversion explicitly

Examples :

byte -> char

short -> byte, char
char -> byte, short
int -> byte, short, char
long -> byte, short, char, int
float -> byte, short, char, int, long
doule -> byte, short, char, int, long, float
Type Conversion

Implicit Type Conversion

Converted by compiler automatically
char c='A';
short s=1; int i=2; long l=3;
float f=2.1f; double d=3.2;

(1) i = (c + s); // i = ??
(int T) (char T) (short T)

(short T)

(int T)

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Type Conversion
Explicit type conversion
Converted by programmer using cast operator
char c='A';
short s=1; int i=2; long l=3;
float f=2.1f; double d=3.2;

(1) s = (short) (c + i); // s = ??

(short T) (char T) (int T)

(int T)

(short T)

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Type Conversion

Type Conversion Prohibit

boolean type
 Only Can covert into same type

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