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Dude there’s this couple that's getting divorce and they have 600 million dollars worth of art. It is the
biggest single art collection that's ever going up for auction. And there's one painting that they have on
the wall that is a 2007 painting, by some person I've never heard of, obviously I don't know much about
modern art in particular, and it's worth I think, 40 to 60 million dollars.

Linha a linha:

Dude there's this couple that's getting divorce

Cara, há/existe/tem um casal que está se divorciando

and they have 600 million dollars worth of art.

e eles têm 600 milhões de dólares em (valor de) arte.

It is the biggest single art collection

É a maior coleção de arte individual

that's ever going up for auction.

que está “até hoje” sendo leiloada.

And there's one painting that they have on the wall

E há um quadro que eles têm na parede

that is a 2007 painting,

que é um quadro de 2007,

by some person I've never heard of,

de uma alguma pessoa (que) eu nunca ouvi falar,

obviously I don't know much about modern art in particular,

obviamente eu não sei muito sobre arte moderna em particular,

and it's worth, I think, 40 to 60 million dollars.

e vale, eu acho, 40 a 60 milhões de dólares.

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