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Hello everyone, my name is ka lei sharen stela vina,

you can call me sharen, I was born in Hong Kong

and when I was in grade 3 of elementary school I
moved to Indonesia and i live in Malang until now.
The activity that I often do with my friends while in
high school and above is spending almost 12 hours at
school, so tired we often fall asleep in the mosque
because our school is just before the final exam,
learning hours start at half past seven in the morning
until half past 5 afternoon not to mention if there is a
group assignment

In Malang, there are so many beautiful places, such

as omah kayu, fruit picking tours, Coban Rais,
Mount Panderman, teluk Bidadari and many other
natural tourist attractions that are not easy to find if
you live in the capital.

The reason I am choosing to study management

because I want to learning how to manage and
developing a culinary business that I am currently in
and i am hoping in the future a business that i
manage with the good management can growing so i
can have many other branches.
My hobbies are cooking and watching Hong Kong
Thanks for your attention
Wassalamualaikum wr wb

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