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NAMA : Risky Isma Febrian

KELAS :C 2020

NIM :D1A020157

Assalamualaikum Waraahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

How are you today? Hopefully you will always be healthy physically and mentally.Okay, this
time I want to write about the joys and sorrows of Faculty of Animal Husbandry students.

At this time I am studying at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Jendral Sudirman

University. I am a freshman, of course there must be ups and downs that I experience. And this
does not only happen on my campus but surely all Animal Husbandry faculty students have
experienced it. So the following are the joys and sorrows of Faculty of Animal Husbandry


1. Trained compact and has lots of friends In doing practicum reports there are always some
journals that you should look for. And each group's journal should not be the same. So
that we can exchange journals with other groups or other classes. In addition, there are
often group assignments such as group reports, group practicums and group field trips.
Well, this togetherness can train cohesiveness and also increase friendship because finally
you can get to know lots of friends when you get different group members at different


1. Often underestimated

In the past, when people asked me People: What faculties were you in? me: Faculty of
Animal Husbandry .People: It's useless to be out of town just to go to college on farms. At most,
the lecture is only raising chickens. I can also raise chickens without having to go to college first.

Yes, it feels a bit like that when studying at the Faculty of Animal Science underestimated. In
fact, the world of livestock has good prospects and plays a role in meeting the nutritional needs
of the animal protein of the population in this country. But yes, just need to explain it in kind and
polite language to them because maybe they have thoughts like that because they don't
understand further about the world of livestock.

2. Lots of practicum reports

Every time there is a practicum, there must be a practice report that must be done. The
thickness of the practicum report can be dozens of sheets and all must be handwritten using a
blue ink pen and equipped with several practicum journals in each chapter. In one week there are
several deadlines for practicum reports that must be done. So it's quite busy spelling out the
practicum report.

That's all my writing this time. See you in my next writing. Love greetings from the end of the

Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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