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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Hello my name is Risky Isma Febrian i live in Banjarnegara. Previously, I attended

SMAN 1 Purwareja Klampok. I won first place in the village level chess competition. I have
hobbies Swimming and cycling. I love swimming since Elementary School and also take
swimming lessons. I have a dream of working at a Japfa company and being entrepreneurial and
owning my own farm. I chose the Animal Husbandry Department because there are still many
job opportunities and can open up jobs for other people by establishing animal farms. I also have
the talent to breed, before I have raised rabbits, starting from a pair of rabbits to dozens of them.
When I raise rabbits there are several obstacles, one of which is when the rabbit has diarrhea, the
treatment that is done is by giving dry leaves and banana leaves as feed. The second obstacle is
the unpredictable weather and causes the rabbits to be moldy, the handler is done by injecting a
drug called Wormectin. Rabbit reproduction is very fast, one pair of rabbits a month can produce
four to seven chicks, weaned until the age of two months. the advantage of raising rabbits is the
speed of reproduction. unfortunately the price of feed is so high it is not worth the selling price
which is still quite low. That made me stop raising rabbits and selling them. I entered the Faculty
of Animal Husbandry, General Sudirman University also wanted to know an effective feed so
that it could help rabbit breeders. During the Covid-19 pandemic I studied to face the SBMPTN
exam, by choosing the Faculty of Animal Husbandry, General Sudirman University but had not
received sustenance to enter university. but I was not discouraged and tried the SPMB route at
Jendral Soedirman University and thank God my sustenance passed that route so I got the
faculties and universities I wanted. I am only two brothers, my brother works as a ship engine
technician, my father works as a village official, and my mother as a nurse.

That's all from me Thank you wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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