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Nowadays, instead of traveling to work, a greater number of people are working from

home thank to the advent of the internet. Although this has some major benefits, there
are also some drawbacks, and both will be considered below.
On the positive side, the ability to work from home gives a person more freedom. By not
sitting in a car in traffic, they can not only save time, but avoid stress, and this should
make them be able to work more effectively. Moreover, working from home can mean
that people have more control over their lives. Besides, individuals can get many choices
for spare time and residential areas without commuting. In addition, urban areas with
costly properties are not an option for their home, but the countrysides are also one, due
to being free from travel to offices.
On the other hand, working from home can be lonely and this may lead to feelings of
isolation. Not having co-workers to chat with and help you out if you have a problem
that cannot be fixed online is a serious disadvantage. For this reason, that many
companies introduced the work way to provide their employees with mental healthcare
services. Furthermore, everyone who has ever tried to organize a conference call knows
that face-to-face interactions are normally more time-efficient and productive than trying
to communicate via Internet.
In conclusion, since many companies instituted a work from home policy, many workers
have chosen it because it has made their life easier. However, having everyone in their
homes all day is probably not the best solution either.

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