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Activity 4:

Determine the therapeutic effect of famotidine, Tums, and ranitidine.

FAMOTIDINE Famotidine is used to relieve symptoms of acid reflux and heartburn.

It does this by reducing the amount of acid in your stomach. It also
treats GERD, Stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers, and Acid-related
damage to the lining of the esophagus. 
This medication is used to treat symptoms caused by too much
stomach acid such as heartburn, upset stomach, or indigestion. It is
an antacid that works by lowering the amount of acid in the stomach.

ranitidine is used to prevent and treat symptoms of heartburn

associated with acid indigestion and sour stomach. Ranitidine is in
RANITIDINE a class of medications called H2 blockers. It decreases the amount of
acid made in the stomach.

What do you think the famotidine did not help?

Famotidine can’t start working as quickly as the other antacids. The drug classification of
famotidine is  Histamine-2 blockers, antagonist is not a proton pump inhibitor which for his
symptoms should have been prescribed, but if the doctor increased his dosage to 20mg BID or
40mg BID, we might see improvement of his symptoms, and also his physician prescribed
Famotidine at bedtime, there is no benefit for him since it takes time for medication to start
working, he may be asleep by the time he could feel the medicine working.

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