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Using Web Quality 4.0 and Importance Performance

Analysis to Evaluate Website
I Putu Astya Prayudhaa1, Made Sudarmaa2, Ida Bagus Alit Swamardikaa3
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Udayana University, Jalan Kampus Bukit
Jimbaran, Badung, Bali, Indonesia

The role of technology, one of which is the internet, is felt to have a big influence on business
activities. The internet makes it easier and faster for someone to get the information they want.
Business actors to be able to offer products and services to their customers use the internet as
a medium to make it easier to offer their products and services. One of its uses is by using the
website to convey information related to goods that will be sold to buyers. To promote and fulfill
the satisfaction of users or customers of websites owned by a company, evaluation is needed to
find out deficiencies and improve website services that are lacking. This study takes the website at PT. Baliyoni Saguna as material to improve the services of the
website. The method used is the Webqual 4.0 method and Importance Performance Analysis.
The results of this study are the GAP results of the performance and expectations of website
users, which is -0.62 which means that the user is not satisfied with the website service. IPA
measurements get quadrant I results with attributes IQ12, IQ14, IA15, S17, S18, quadrant II
IQ13, UQ01, UQ02, UQ03, Quadrant III IQ11, S16, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23 and quadrant IV
namely IQ10, UQ04 , UQ05, UQ06, UQ07, UQ08, UQ09.

Keywords : Web Quality 4.0, Importance Performance Analysis,

1. Introduction
The development in the current digital era, the role of technology, one of which is the internet, is
felt to have a big influence on business activities. These business activities in organizations are
carried out in cyberspace. The internet makes it easier and faster for someone to get the
information they want [1]. The high use of the internet in today's society makes it easy for
business people to be able to offer products and services to their customers. A company must
be supported by a good marketing strategy. The success of a product in dominating the market
really depends on the way it is done by the company [2]. To make it easier for business people
to offer their products and services, one way is that business people take advantage of the
website to deliver information related to goods that will be sold to buyers. Website is a service in
an internet network that accommodates information that can be accessed by all groups,
whenever and wherever they are. Website is said to be good, namely a website that has
information that can meet user satisfaction and needs [3]. In achieving good and useful IT-
based governance, it is necessary to periodically evaluate including evaluating the website. The
evaluation carried out aims to provide website service providers with accurate information as the
basis for managers to develop the website [4].
There are several methods to measure the service level of the website, namely by using the
Web Quality 4.0 method and Importance Performance Analysis. Several studies discussing the
use of webqual 4.0 and Importance Performance Analysis, one of which was discussed by
Apriliani et al who discussed research with discusses the evaluation of web quality
The results of this study are the existence of GAP performance and user expectations with a
value of -0.04. The IPA results are 1 indicator contained in quadrant I, 10 indicators in quadrant
II, 7 indicators in quadrant III, and 4 indicators included in quadrant IV. [5]. Gani et al conducted
a study with measures the quality of the VISLOG website owned by PT. Citra Surya Indonesia.
The result of this research is the existence of GAP 0.05, which means that the website is in
accordance with user expectations. The IPA results show quadrant III and quadrant IV have a
low level of performance so that it will affect the level of importance and expectations of the

users [6]. Pamungkas et al also conducted research with aims to determine the quality of the
web at SMK Negeri 2 Sragen. The results showed that the function of the website has been
developed for users who access it. Other things such as the appearance and services provided
on the website are the main factors for user satisfaction in using the SMK Negeri 2 Sragen
website [7].
Based on the problems described above, this study aims to analyze the website at
PT. Baliyoni Saguna. PT. Baliyoni Saguna is a company engaged in the sale of information
technology. PT. Baliyoni Saguna has a website to assist in promoting and selling its products
via the internet, namely by using the website. This website is a website that
displays the company bio of PT. Baliyoni Saguna and on the website users can also see
products sold by PT. Baliyoni Saguna so that users can immediately make transactions. This website needs to be checked periodically to find out any deficiencies that need to
be fixed so that it can make it easier for users or buyers to make purchases. Researchers used
the method of Web Quality 4.0 (Webqual) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA) in
analyzing the use of the website on user satisfaction. The purpose of this study is
to determine the extent to which the website helps users or buyers in using the
website and improves services on the website which are obstacles for users.

2. Research Methods
This research was conducted by means of several stages of research, including the following.

Figure 1. Flowchart Research

This research begins with learning about the use of the website. In addition,
researchers also studied the stages of using the Webqual and IPA methods in analyzing
information systems from both existing books and journals. The next stage is to create a
questionnaire based on the dimensions of the Webqual. After that the questionnaire was
distributed to employees or users of the website. After the data from the
respondents were collected, the next step was processing the data using Webqual and IPA. The
results of this data processing will be known which attributes need to be improved so that it can
advance from the website and end with an increase in company profits.

2.1. Customer satisfaction

Satisfaction is the level of someone's satisfaction by comparing the performance or the results
that are felt compared to customer expectations. Satisfaction or dissatisfaction is the conclusion
obtained from the interaction between expectations and experiences after using services or
services provided by the seller. If the service obtained is less than expected, then the customer
is not satisfied, whereas if the appearance is comparable or in accordance with the

expectations, the customer is satisfied, and if the service obtained exceeds the expectations the
customer will feel very satisfied or happy [8].
In general, customer satisfaction and customer dissatisfaction are the result of the difference
between expectations and the perceived performance of the customer. There are two
possibilities that will occur, namely the performance perceived by the customer is greater than
expected, meaning that the customer is satisfied with the quality of service provided by the
company or the performance perceived by the customer is smaller than expected, in other
words, the customer is not satisfied with the quality of service provided by the company.
obtained or given by the company [9].

2.1. Website
Website is a service that contains information using the concept of hyperlinks so that it can
make it easier for users to get information. This feature has made the website the fastest
growing service in providing information. Websites are able to allow highlighting words or
images in a document to be able to link or point to other media, such as movie clips,
documents, phrases, or sound files. The interactions on the website are divided into 3 parts,
namely requests, processing and answers [10]. The website can link from anywhere in a
particular document or image to anywhere in another document. The website can be accessed
on a browser that has a Grapihcal User Interface (GUI), links can be linked to its destination by
pointing at the link with the mouse to access it. [11].

2.2. Webqual 4.0

Webqual 4.0 is a method or technique for measuring the quality of a website based on the
perceptions of the end user. This method is also an extension of SERVQUAL which has been
widely used for measuring service quality. This method has been used since 1998 starting from
webqual 1.0 to now webqual 4.0. Result from webqual 4.0. Focusing on three dimensions of
website quality, namely Usability Quality, Information Quality, and Service Interaction Quality.
1. Usability Quality
A quality related to the design of a website, for example, is the appearance of the website,
the ease of navigation and the images conveyed by the user.
2. Information Quality
A quality that is seen from the content contained on the website, whether or not the
information to be conveyed is accurate, format and relevance.
3. Service Interaction Quality
A quality related to experienced or perceived service interactions by users when browsing
the website [12].

Table 1. Webqual 4.0 Instruments.

Category Attribute Questions
Usability UQ01 Web is easy to learn to operate
UQ02 Interaction with the web is clear and
UQ03 The web easy to navigate
UQ04 The web easy to use
UQ05 Attractive appearance
UQ06 Appropriate to the type of web
UQ07 Conveys a sense of competency
UQ08 Positive experience
UQ09 Provides accurate information
UQ10 Provides believable of information
Information Quality IQ11 Provides timely of information
IQ12 Provides relevant of information
IQ13 Easy to understand of information

IQ14 Information at the right level is detail

IQ15 Information in appropriate format
SI16 Good reputation
SI17 Safe to complete transactions
Service Interaction SI18 Information is feels secure
SI19 Sense of personalization
SI20 Sense of community
SI21 Communicate with the organization
SI22 Confident that goods/services will be
delivered as promised
SI23 Overall view of the Web site

The table above is an instrument of webqual 4.0 where there are three categories, namely
usability, information quality, and service interaction [13]. These attributes will later be used for
the preparation of a questionnaire given to users from the website.

2.3. Importance Performance Analysis

Important Performance Analysis (IPA) is an application technique to measure the level of
importance and level of performance for the development of an effective marketing program.
This analysis aims to answer the formulation of problems related to consumer preferences for
attributes seen from the level of importance of respondents to attributes [14].
The first step is to determine the score of each indicator variable X and Y by multiplying all data
frequencies by their weights. The weight for the level of importance and performance uses a
Likert scale level where very good / very important is given a weight of 5, good / important is a
weight of 4, normal is a weight of 3, is not good / important is a weight of 2, and is not good /
important is given a weight of 1. Next divide the number of scores with the number of
respondents, the result is the average score of the level of importance and the average score of
the level of performance. Each attribute can be formulated as follows.

Figure 2. Importance Performance Analysis Diagram

The image above is a science diagram which forms four quadrant areas where each quadrant
has the following meaning.
1. Quadrant I means that the factors located in this quadrant are a priority to be improved or
considered as important or expected factors by customers where the existing perceptions
are not satisfactory so that the management is obliged to allocate adequate resources to
improve the performance of these various factors.
2. Quadrant II means that the factors located in this quadrant are considered important and
are expected as supporting factors for customer satisfaction so that management is
obliged to ensure that the performance of the institution it manages continues to maintain
the achievements it has achieved.

3. Quadrant III means that the factors located in this quadrant have a low level of perception
or expectation and are considered not very important so that management does not need
to prioritize these factors.
4. Quadrant IV means that the factors located in this quadrant are considered not very
important / expected so that management needs to allocate resources related to these
factors to other factors that have a higher priority for handling, for example in quadrant II.
Based on this quadrant, it is easy to find out what website attributes need to be repaired and
which need to be maintained [9].

3. Result and Discussion

This chapter will discuss the process and results of the quality analysis of the
website using the Webqual and IPA methods.

3.1. Sumber Pengolahan Data

Data were collected using a questionnaire method, which is based on the Webqual instrument.
Data in the form of performance values and expectations for the web service,
which is then processed using the Webqual and IPA methods. The population of this study is 75
people. Sampling was done using simple random sampling. Simple random sampling is the
basic type of sampling that is often used for the development of more complex sampling
methods [15]. The sampling calculation is as follows.
n = N / (1+N. (e)2) (1)

n = total sample
N = total population
e = error tolerance limit

So with the Slovin formula based on the population above, the number of samples will be
obtained as follows.
Total sample = 75 / (1+75.(0,1)2)
= 75 / 1,75
= 42,8
= 43

3.2. Results of Performance Values and Expectations

The performance values and expectations are obtained from the results of a questionnaire to
the website users. The performance results and expectations are recapitulated
with the results in the form of GAP as follows.

Table 2. Performance Expectations Performance Expectations GAP

User (Xi) (Yi) (Xi) Mean (Yi) Mean
ons X 
  Score Total Score Total Score Total Score Total  
UQ01 187 196 4.35 4.56 -0.21
UQ02 177 190 4.12 4.42 -0.30
UQ03 171 188 3.98 4.37 -0.40
UQ04 166 187 3.86 4.35 -0.49
UQ05 162 186 3.77 4.33 -0.56
UQ06 164 185 3.81 4.30 -0.49
UQ07 163 183 3.79 4.26 -0.47
UQ08 162 184 3.77 4.28 -0.51
UQ09 166 186 3.86 4.33 -0.47

IQ10 162 187 3.77 4.35 -0.58

IQ11 156 184 3.63 4.28 -0.65
IQ12 156 188 3.63 4.37 -0.74
IQ13 163 192 3.79 4.47 -0.67
IQ14 159 192 3.70 4.47 -0.77
IQ15 158 190 3.67 4.42 -0.74
SI16 149 186 3.47 4.33 -0.86
SI17 151 188 3.51 4.37 -0.86
SI18 153 189 3.56 4.40 -0.84
SI19 150 187 3.49 4.35 -0.86
SI20 157 186 3.65 4.33 -0.67
SI21 151 183 3.51 4.26 -0.74
SI22 152 184 3.53 4.28 -0.74
SI23 155 182 3.60 4.23 -0.63
Average 160 187 3.73 4.35 -0.62

Table 2 above explains the total performance value and expectations of each webqual attribute.
There is a GAP between the value of performance and expectations, so it can be said that each
service attribute that exists is still not in accordance with user expectations with an average
GAP value of -0.62. It is necessary to make improvements to these attributes, in order to
prioritize which attributes are priority, IPA is needed in determining the coordinates according to
the IPA Cartesian diagram.

3.3. Cartesian Diagram Importance Performance Analysis

The Cartesian diagram in IPA is used to determine the coordinates or placement of each
webqual attribute into the Cartesian diagram. In this way, it can be seen the attributes that need
to be corrected immediately. The following is the result of the placement of each webqual
attribute into a Cartesian diagram.

Figure 3. Cartesian Diagram Importance Performance Analysis


The image above is the placement of each webqual attribute that has been grouped based on
the performance coordinate values and user expectations. Based on the diagram above, each
quadrant can be explained as follows.
1. Quadrant I
The attributes included in quadrant I are the attributes IQ12, IQ14, IQ15, S17, S18. Attributes
that are included in this quadrant are attributes that have a high level of importance and have
less performance so they must be corrected immediately.
2. Quadrant II
The attributes included in quadrant II are the attributes IQ13, UQ01, UQ02, UQ03. This attribute
has a high level of importance and good performance so that the attributes in this quadrant are
good and need to be maintained.
3. Quadrant III
These attributes are the attributes of IQ11, S16, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23. This attribute has a
low level of importance and less performance so that this attribute is not a priority for
improvement. This attribute is fixed after the attribute in quadrant I is fixed.
4. Quadrant IV
The attributes in quadrant IV are the attributes IQ10, UQ04, UQ05, UQ06, UQ07, UQ08, UQ09.
This attribute has a low level of importance and has a good performance so that this attribute is
not very visible to users even with good performance.

Table 3. Quadrant IPA

Category Attribute Questions
Usability UQ01 Web is easy to learn to operate II
Interaction with the web is clear and
understandable II
UQ03 The web easy to navigate II
UQ04 The web easy to use IV
UQ05 Attractive appearance IV
UQ06 Appropriate to the type of web IV
UQ07 Conveys a sense of competency IV
UQ08 Positive experience IV
UQ09 Provides accurate information IV
UQ10 Provides believable of information IV
IQ11 Provides timely of information III
n Quality
IQ12 Provides relevant of information I
IQ13 Easy to understand of information II
IQ14 Information at the right level is detail I
IQ15 Information in appropriate format I
SI16 Good reputation III
SI17 Safe to complete transactions I
SI18 Information is feels secure I
SI19 Sense of personalization III
SI20 Sense of community III
SI21 Communicate with the organization III
Confident that goods/services will be delivered as
promised III
  SI23 Overall view of the Web site III

The table above is a recapitulation of the webqual attributes that have been categorized based
on the IPA quadrant.

4. Conclusion
The conclusion that can be drawn from this research is that the website still needs
improvements to meet user expectations. This is obtained after calculating using the webqual
method with the average performance and expectation GAP value of -0.62. To be able to
improve and meet the expectations of web users, the company must improve
service attributes, especially in the quadrant I attribute in the IPA diagram, namely the attributes
IQ12, IQ14, IA15, S17, S18. Quadrant II are the attributes IQ13, UQ01, UQ02, UQ03, Quadrant
III IQ11, S16, S19, S20, S21, S22, S23, Quadrant IV IQ10, UQ04, UQ05, UQ06, UQ07, UQ08,
UQ09. By prioritizing improvements to these attributes, it will certainly improve performance to
match the expectations of users, which will indirectly increase sales from the company itself.

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