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PLATO 427-347BC Tear at home Socrates ist phase institution Academy birth -6 years pee state owned mother the republic patriotism stateman stories based on bravery Greek the laws bhai aa 7-18 years theory of ideal state school justice public school human capabilities litreture,gym, poetry, music _3 intstints. \ lust desire max censored courage comp less military sports wisdom rare Mba ia LU SEL horse riding aechery scheme of education Izzat ul ain's screen 19-20 years exam screening test philosopher king pass 2nd phase Serica [fail_artisan labour lass] \ military trademan handicraft halen 2nd phase features: 21- 35 years 1st;state controlled edu basic sciences 2nd; compulsory gym 3rd; equality men and women philophies will have to gain edu pass 3rd phase = {fail military class jeommunism 3rd phase property 36-50 years family no right to marry advance learning attach UT si ° eoeceeeee ers Izzat ul ain's screen contemporary relevance screening test deed y ! criticism: See skill people can learn anything pioneer of feminism a.allowed to join military anytime is compusory for both eee eae he talked ideally not pratically functional specialization comunism trump age of marriage ess:2018 21 yrs critically analyze the features of early marriages plato republic :do you think some of its features are valid today? ° eoeceeeeee Izzat ul ain's screen

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