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Curso Physio 2021-2 - Fisiología 2021-2

Lección Volúmenes pulmonares - Laboratorio
Correo electrónico del estudiante

Pruebas de función pulmonar - Desafío

Coloque cada una de las medidas siguientes en la categoría estática o dinámica.

Volumen de reserva espiratoria
(ERV) Estático Dinámica
Volumen espiratorio forzado
(FEV) Volumen residual (RV) Volumen espiratorio forzado
Volumen espiratorio forzado en Volumen de reserva espiratoria
1 s (FEV ) (ERV) Volumen espiratorio forzado en
1 s (FEV )
Volumen de reserva inspiratorio 1
Capacidad vital forzada (FVC)
(IRV) Capacidad vital forzada (FVC)
Volumen de reserva inspiratorio
Volumen corriente (V )

Volumen residual (RV) Capacidad vital (VC)

Volumen corriente (V )

Capacidad vital (VC)

How did you make the distinction between the two types of test?

En la primera se 

Medidas estáticas - Desafío

Match the lung parameter to its correct description.

Expiratory reserve volume

Total lung capacity (TLC)

Inspiratory reserve volume Inspiratory reserve volume


Expiratory reserve volume

Residual volume (RV)

Respiratory minute volume Tidal volume (VT)

Tidal volume (VT) Respiratory minute volume

Total lung capacity (TLC) Residual volume (RV)

Place each label onto its correct location.

Expiratory reserve
volume (ERV)

Inspiratory reserve
volume (IRV)
Inspiratory reserve
volume (IRV)
Residual volume (RV)

Tidal volume (VT)

Tidal volume (VT)

Expiratory reserve
volume (ERV)

Residual volume (RV)

Medidas estáticas - Actividad

Your volunteer's predicted values: 

Residual volume (RV) and lung capacities
Sex (M or F) M
Height (cm) 170
Age (years) 38
Predicted RV (L) 1.83
Predicted VC (L) 4.67
Predicted FRC (L) 3.23
Predicted TLC (L) 6.50

Medidas estáticas - Análisis

Enter the volunteer's respiratory parameters in the table below:
Abbreviation Units Normal Breathing
Respiratory rate RR breaths/min (BPM) 13.07
Tidal volume VT L 0.98

Expired minute volume V E (= VT x BPM) L/min 12.81

Inspiratory reserve volume IRV L 2.05

Expiratory reserve volume ERV L 2.10
Your volunteer's predicted RV RV L 1.83
Lung Capacities Abbreviation and Formula Units Calculated Value – Normal Breathing
Inspiratory capacity  IC = VT + IRV L 3.03

Expiratory capacity EC = VT + ERV L 3.08

Vital capacity  VC = IRV + ERV + VT L 5.13

Functional residual capacity FRC = ERV + RV L 3.93

Total lung capacity TLC = VC + RV L 6.96

Comment on the di erences between the experimental and predicted values for VC, FRC, and TLC in the table above.
What could cause these di erences, if any?

How might lung volumes and capacities be altered in a 74-year-old woman who struggles with breathlessness?

Pruebas de función dinámica - Desafío

The forced vital capacity (FVC) procedure involves exhaling air as fast as possible from full inspiration to full expiration.
The recording below shows lung volume changing as a healthy person performs this procedure.

Place the comments in the appropriate location.

FEV1 Forced expiration starts

Forced expiration
Maximal expiration
Maximal expiration



Pruebas de función dinámica - Análisis

Respiratory Parameter Units Normal Breathing

Time for FVC s
Vital capacity (VC) L 5.13
Forced vital capacity (FVC) L
Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) L

% FVC expired in 1 second (FEV1/FVC*100) %

In your own words describe the physiological signi cance of the FEV1/FVC ratio.
You may nd that forced vital capacity is less than the vital capacity. Why might this be?

How would the 74-year-old woman's breathlessness a ect her ability to exhale forcefully? What e ect would this have
on her test results?

Respiración hiperin ada - Análisis

Enter the volunteer's respiratory parameters in the table below:

Abbreviation Units Normal Breathing Hyperin ated Lungs
Respiratory rate RR breaths/min (BPM) 13.07
Tidal volume VT L 0.98

Expired minute volume VE (= VT x BPM) L/min 12.81

Inspiratory reserve IRV L 2.05

Expiratory reserve ERV L 2.10
Your volunteer's RV L 1.83 1.83
predicted RV
Lung Capacities Abbreviation and Units Calculated Value – Calculated Value –
Formula Normal Breathing Hyperin ated Lungs
Inspiratory capacity  IC = VT + IRV L 3.03

Expiratory capacity EC = VT + ERV L 3.08

Vital capacity  VC = IRV + ERV + VT L 5.13

Functional residual FRC = ERV + RV L 3.93

Total lung capacity TLC = VC + RV L 6.96

Examine the table showing respiratory rate and tidal volume after breathing normally and with hyperin ated lungs. Has
respiratory rate or tidal volume changed? How do you account for this?
Has there been any change to the lung volumes with hyperin ated breathing?

When you compare the rate of breathing with hyperin ated lungs with that in normal breathing, you will notice a
signi cant increase. This will have resulted in an increased expired minute volume. What e ect will this have had on
blood gases?

Ask the volunteer to describe how it felt to breathe with hyperin ated lungs.

A 74-year-old woman has more air in her lungs than normal, and breathes with an in ated chest. Do you think an in ated
chest would make breathing uncomfortable? Would it alter the rate of breathing, or the volume of each breath?

Prueba de función hiperin ada - Análisis

Respiratory Parameter Units Normal Breathing Hyperin ated Lungs

Time for FVC s
Forced vital capacity (FVC) L
Forced expired volume in 1 second (FEV1) L

% FVC expired in 1 second (FEV1/FVC*100) %

What e ect has hyperin ated breathing had on FEV1 when compared to normal breathing?

Ventana emergente: conversión de unidades de altura

Enter height in inches to convert into height in centimeters:

Inches Centimeters

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