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1 Definition of Hotel

The definition of hotel according to the Decree of the Minister of Tourism, Post and
Telecommunications No. KM 37 / PW. 340 / MPPT-86 in Sulastiyono (2011: 6), is "a type of
accommodation that uses part or all of a building to provide lodging, food and beverage, and other
supporting services for the public which are managed commercially.

Based on the definition of the experts above, the authors conclude that the hotel is a service business
which is a means of supporting tourism activities, where its management is carried out professionally
and is supported by a workforce who has good skills in the hospitality sector.

Sections or departments within the hotel The sections or departments contained in the hotel in general
according to sulastiyono's theory (2011: 63-186) are as follows:

2.1.1 Hotel Front Office (Front Office): The main role and function of the front office of the hotel
is to sell (in the sense of renting) rooms to guests. Because of its function, the location or
location of the front office of the hotel should be in a place that is easily seen or known by
guests. To help carry out the functions of the front office of the hotel, it is divided into several
sub-sections, each of which has a different service function, because the main role and
function of the hotel front office is room sales service, so the use of Yield Management as a
sales strategy will be a lot. relating to the subdivision of room reservation service
Hotel Housekeeping (Housekeeping): The housekeeping is a part that has a vital role and function in
providing services to guests, especially regarding services to guests, especially regarding comfort and
cleanliness of hotel rooms. In carrying out tasks in the field of comfort and cleanliness of hotel
rooms, the housekeeping department must also collaborate with other parts of the hotel, such as
the front office of the hotel (Front office), the food and beverage section (Food & Beverage). ,
engineering, accounting, and personnel. The responsibility of the housekeeping department can be
said, starting from managing materials made of cloth such as table cloths, bed sheets, pillowcases,
curtains, maintaining tidiness and cleanliness of the room and its equipment, to the procurement /
replacement program for equipment and supplies. , as well as the maintenance of all hotel rooms.
Seeing the scope of responsibility of the housekeeping department, what is meant by hotel rooms
consists of guest rooms, meeting rooms, public spaces such as lobbies. Corridor, all of which are
referred to as the front of the house. In addition, t

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