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Âiñíèê Õàðêiâñüêîãî íàöiîíàëüíîãî óíiâåðñèòåòó

Ñåðiÿ "Ìàòåìàòèêà, ïðèêëàäíà ìàòåìàòèêà i ìåõàíiêà"

ÓÄÊ UDK number  645 , 2004, ñ.65-66

A Hilbert Space of analytic functions in which all Point

Evaluations are Unbounded
A. S. Leonov
Kharkov National University

In this note we construct a Hilbert space of analytic functions in the unit disk
in which all point evaluations are not bounded. This result is a renement of
a recent construction by D. Alpey and T. M. Mills who constructed a Hilbert
space of functions in which there is a countable set of point evaluations that
are unbounded
2000 Mathematics Subject Classication 42A70.

In [1] D. Alpey and T. M. Mills have constructed an example of a Hilbert space

of analytic functions in the unit disk with a countable number of unbounded point
evaluations. We can show that almost the same construction (even with a little
simplication) gives an example where all point evaluations are unbounded. We
have a feeling that the authors of [1] have just overlooked that their construction
gives more than they have claimed.
For the reader's convenience we are repeating below the basic part of the
Alpey and Mills construction, which we need.
Remind that a Hamel basis of a linear space X is a complete linearly indepen-
dent subset of X . The existence of a Hamel basis and even more: the existence of
a Hamel basis containing every given linearly independent subset is a consequence
of Zorn's lemma. In particular any countable family of linearly independent ele-
ments of linear space can be complemented to a Hamel basis.

Let H = H2 (D) be a Hardy space on the open unit disk D. We endow this
space with such a Hilbert space structure, dierent from the original one for which
all point evaluations are not bounded.
Let (aj ) be a sequence of pairwise dierent points of the disk such that

lim aj = a,

where a is a point in D, which is dierent from (aj ).

Consider functions 1−za∗j , where a∗ stands for the complex conjugate of a.
This functions are linearly independent since (aj ) are pairwise dierent. Let

66 A. S. Leonov

1 ∞
{ 1−za∗ }j=1 ∪ U be a Hamel basis of H = H2 (D). Dene a linear operator T :
H → H by
1 1
T ( 1−za∗ ) = j 1−za∗ , (1)
j j

T u = u, ∀ u ∈ U.
Then T is bijective. Let HT := T H2 (D) with the inner product dened by
hT f, T giHT = hf, giH2 (D)

Theorem 1 The space HT is a Hilbert space in which all point evaluators t : f →

f(t) are unbounded for every t ∈ D.

Proof. Since T is bijective HT = H2 (D) as linear spaces and instead of f we can

write T f . The operator T performs an isomorphism of the Hilbert space H2 (D)
with the pre-Hilbert space HT , so HT is a Hilbert space. Assume that there exists
at least one t ∈ D such that (T f ) → (T f )(t) is bounded. Then there exists an
element gt ∈ H2 (D) such that for all f ∈ H2 (D)
(T f )(t) = hT f, T gt iHT = hf, gt iH2 (D) . (2)
Set f (z) = 1−za∗j in (2). Using (1) and Cauchy's formula for H2 (D), we obtain

= (gt (aj ))∗
1 − ta∗j
and so gt (aj ) = 1−t∗ aj . Thus lim gt (aj ) does not exist. This contradicts the fact
that gt ∈ H2 (D). Hence the point evaluation at t is not bounded. ¤

Acknowledgement. Author expresses his gratitude to his supervisor

V. M. Kadets whose stylistic revision of the paper allows to improve it essen-

1. Alpay D. and Mills T. M. A Family of Hilbert Spaces which are not Repro-
ducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces.// J. Analysis and Appl., Vol. 1, 2003. No.2.
P. 107-111.

Department of Mechanics and Matematics

Kharkiv National University
Kharkiv 61077, Ukraine

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