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Parental responsibillity means being responsible for their child's wellbeing and looking after
child every day. Some people think that a parent's responsibillity for their child ends when a
child reaches the age of 18, but there are people who think that responibillity never ends.

On the one hand, many people would agree that when the child turns 18, the parent is no longer
responsible for them. First of all the role of parents is to bring a child into the world and prepare
them for further life. Children need someone to show them what is right, they cannot know what
is right and what is not. Secondly taking on responsibility is good for a young people. They will
learn to take care of themselves and solve problems on their own without the help of parents
because parents won't always be with them.

On the other hand there are people who think that responsibillity for their children never ends.
For example parents and children are emotionally deeply connected and for a long time children
are completely dependent on their parents to survive. This tie cannot be all of a sudden cut off at
the age of 18 because most kids need their parents guidance and support for as long as the
parents are alive, especially if they don't develop other close and reliable relationships. Another
point is that some parents fail to do their job properly for all kinds of reasons, or the child has
health issues which prevent an independent life. In those cases, parents should not have the right
to abandon them or renounce their responsibility.

In conclusion, children need parents to show them what is right, but that doesn't mean that they
don’t have to be independent. Some children will stay with their parents but some will not.

Iva Vagan, 3.a

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