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An abandonment epidemic

A lot has changed since the new

coronavirus pandemic started. Many people have lost
their jobs, close friends and relatives, and had twists
and turns in their routine. However, what many people
are not aware of is that the lives od many dogs and cats
have also changed.

In Brazil, the abandonment of

animals grew by 70% during the pandemic. This is due
to the high number of pets returned to shelters
because they could no longer be financed by their
owners, or even because some people believed they
could transmit the virus. Consequently, animals lost
their shelter and safety. Now they are hungry, scared
and suffering abuse on the streets throughout the city.

As the number of abandoned

pets increased, the chances of these animals mating is
much higher. According to the NGO Jusbrazil, the
number of animals which are in precarious situation on
the streets total more than 30 million. These animals
might end up being sacrificed.

What I mean is, people have to

be aware of the consequences of abandoning their

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