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A O A C O f fic ia l M e t h o d s of A n a l y s is (1990) M ilk 805

tify. Tablets contg HgCl2, K2Cr:0 7, or other suitable preserv­ Immediately add 3 mL 2 0 % p h o s p h o t u n g s t ic a c i d s o ln , mix
ative, >0.5 g active ingredient per tablet for each 8 fl oz (250 well, and return to steam bath for 5 min. Transfer to 250 mL
mL) milk, but total wt of such tablet <1 g, or 36% soln of vol. flask with alcohol, cool, dil. to vol. with alcohol, mix,
HCHO, 0.1 mL (2 drops) per fl oz (30 mL), may be used and filter thru folded paper. Pipet 200 mL clear filtrate into
unless presence of preservative is objectionable in physical or centrf. bottle.
chem. tests to be made in addn to detn of fat. If phosphatase
test is to be made, only CHC13 can be used as preservative, B. R e a g e n ts
and stoppers must be of phenol-free material such as red rub­ (a) P o ta s s iu m p e r m a n g a n a te s o l n . — Dissolve 5 g KM n04
in H:0 and dil. to 100 mL.
(b) F e r r o u s s u lfa te s o l n . — Dissolve 200 g FeS04.7H20 in
H20 , dil. to 500 mL with H20 , and add 5 mL H2S 0 4.
925.21 Preparation of Milk Sample (c) L e a d a c e ta te s o l n . — Dissolve 75 g Pb(0Ac)2.3H20 in
Procedure H20 , add 1 mL HOAc, and dil. to 250 mL.

Bring sample to ca 20°, mix until homogeneous by pouring C. D e te r m in a tio n

into clean receptacle and back repeatedly, and promptly weigh To soln in centrf. bottle add 10 mL Pb(OAc)2 soln. shake
or measure test portion. If lumps of cream do not disperse, vigorously ca 2 min, and centrf. 15 min at ca 1000 rpm. Care­
warm sample in H20 bath to ca 38° and keep mixing until fully decant supemate from pptd Pb salts and test with little
homogeneous, using policeman, if necessary, to reincorporate Pb(OAc)2 soln. If ppt forms, return to centrf. bottle, add more
any cream adhering to container or stopper. Where practical Pb soln, shake, and again centrf. If sediment lifts, centrf. again,
and fat remains dispersed, cool warmed samples to ca 20° be­ increasing speed and time, and decant. Invert bottle and drain
fore transferring test portion. thoroly several min. To Pb salts in centrf. bottle add ca 150
When Babcock method, 924.05C, is used, adjust both fresh mL H20 , shake thoroly, and sat. with H2S. Transfer to 250
and composite samples to ca 38°, mix until homogeneous as mL vol. flask, dil. to vol. with H20 , mix, and filter thru folded
above, and immediately pipet portions into test bottles. paper.
Evap. 200 mL filtrate to ca 20 mL, rinse into 250-300 mL
tared, g-s erlenmeyer, and adjust with H:0 to net wt of ca 40
925.22 Specific Gravity of Milk g. Add 2 g KBr and 5 mL H2S 0 4, and. if necessary, heat to
Pycnometer Method ca 50° and let stand 5 min. Slowly (1-2 mL portions) add 20
Procedure mL KM n04 soln from pipet or buret, swirling flask few sec
after each addn. Let stand undisturbed 5 min and cool to 15°.
Det sp gr at 15.6/15.6° with pycnometer or std hydrometer. Slowly add FeS04 soln with const agitation until mixt. starts
to clear. Shake 1 min, continue addn of FeS04 soln until MnO:
is dissolved, and add few mL excess. Add 20 g anhyd. Na2S 0 4,
975.16 Somatic Cell Count in Milk
with swirling to assure soln (if Na2S 0 4 remains substantially
undissolved, repeat detn). Cool to 15° and shake vigorously 5
First Action min.
Immediately, while still cold, collect pentabromacetone ppt
See 973.68. 978.25, 978,26. on asbestos in gooch and wash residual ppt from flask with
portion of filtrate. Wash crucible with 50 mL cold H:0 and
leave under suction few min. Dry crucible overnight in H2S 0 4
947.05 Acidity of Milk desiccator and weigh, or place crucible in drying train and aer­
Titrimetric Method ate until loss in wt does not exceed few tenths mg, making
Final Action first weighing after 20 min.
Remove pentabromacetone from crucible with alcohol fol­
Measure or weigh suitable amt (ca 20 mL or 20 g) sample lowed by ether, filling crucible 3 times with each solv. Dry
into suitable dish and dil. with twice its vol. C 0 2-free H20 . crucible 10 min at 100°, cool in desiccator, and weigh. Dif­
Add 2 mL phthln, and titr. with 0.1 N NaOH to first persistent ference in 2 wts = wt pentabromacetone. Calc, g anhyd. citric
pink. If measured vol. sample was used, det. its wt from sp acid from formula: X = 0.424P. where X = g citric acid in
gr of sample. Report acidity as % lactic acid by wt. (1 mL aliquot; P — g pentabromacetone: and 0.424 = theoretical fac­
0.1 N NaOH = 0.0090 g lactic acid.) If Babcock milk pipet, tor for converting pentabromacetone to anhyd. citric acid. An­
924.05A(b), is used, mL 0. IN NaOH required -f 20 = % acid hyd. citric acid in sample taken for analysis = X/0.64.
as lactic acid. For drying pentabromacetone by aspiration, use app. shown
Results may also be expressed as mL 0.1 N NaOH/100 g in Fig. 9 3 2 . 0 5 . where A is gooch, 28 mm diam., loosely packed
sample. with cotton; B is gooch, 35 mm diam., for pentabromacetone:
and C is 500 mL suction flask. Dry air by passing thru H2S 0 4
Refs.: JAOAC 30, 130(1947); 34, 239(1951). and soda-lime, and finally filter thru cotton. Cool air entering
drying train by passing thru spiral condenser cooled with H20 .
Let crucible, B , contg pentabromacetone, remain under suc­
932.05 Citric Acid in Milk tion ca 1 min to remove surface moisture before placing in
Gravimetric Method app. If air does not pass thru freely, place crucible in desic­
cator short time. Maintain slow uniform flow of air by just
Final Action
“cracking” suction.
A. Preparation o f Sample
Refs.: JAOAC 15, 643(1932); 16, 427(1933).
To 50 g milk in 150 mL beaker, add ca 100 mg tartaric
acid and 6 mL IN H2S 0 4, and heat on steam bath 15 min. CAS-77-92-9 (citric acid)

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