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TEACHER: Nubia Méndez Valencia
GRADE: 11°
DATE: Week July 24th t to July 31st , 2021

A. VIVENCIA: Reconoce y utiliza los adverbios “Already” y “Yet” en situaciones

cotidianas y de su entorno.

Daily activities.
1. Read carefully the following text and notice the underline words. (
Lea el siguiente texto y observe las palabras subrayadas.

They have already I’m really hungry. I

finished their homework. haven’t eaten Have they finished
yet. their homework

Has the train arrived

Melissa hasn’t left
Jacob has already left his job at the
home hospital yet.

Melissa has already

Is Carlos sleeping? He Don't call him, I've
finished her
hasn't arrived at home already .

Los adverbios “Already”, “Yet”.

Already: ya I've already drunk three coffees this

morning. (= ¡y me estás ofreciendo
Se refiere a una acción que ha otro!)
ocurrido en un tiempo anterior al
presente pero no especificado. Don't write to John, I've already done
Sugiere que no es necesario repetir it. No le escribas a
la acción. John, ya lo hice.
También se utiliza para preguntar: Have you already written to John?
¿Ya le has escrito a John?

Has she finished her

homework already? ¿Ya ha
terminado ella su tarea?

I have already been to Tokyo. Ya he

"Already" puede colocarse
estado en Tokio. I have been to
antes del verbo principal
(en "past participle") o al Tokyo already. Ya he estado en
final de la frase.
Yet :ya, aún o todavía.

Suele colocarse al final Have you met Judy yet? ¿Ya conociste a Judy?

de la frase. Se utiliza Has he arrived yet? ¿Ya ha llegado él?

en oraciones I haven't visited the Gallery yet. (Yo) Todavía no

he visitado la Galería.
They haven't eaten yet. (ellos) Aún no han comido.

y negativas.


1. Complete the sentences using already o yet.

Example: John hasn't arrived at work yet a) already b) yet

1. I've been on the waiting list for two weeks . a) already b) yet

2. Steve hasn't had that car for a month and

it's scratched. a) already b) yet

3. I haven't thought about what to do .

a) already b) yet
4. Has your company had financial
problems ? a) already b) yet

5. She's completed five exercises . a) already b)



1. Write the following sentences with the present perfect verb and put the
adverbs 'yet' and 'already' appropriately.


a. She / already / know / all her neighbors in a week.

She has already known all her neighbors in a week.

b. The postman / not arrive / yet?

c. You / have breakfast / yet?

d. My son / go / already / to bed.

e. You / not be bored / yet / in your job?

f.I / not be / yet / in your new house.

g. We / watch already / that film twice.

h. The programme / not start / yet.

2. Write the past participle form.

Principal Verb Past Participle Principal Verb Past Participle

eat eaten call
write play
buy open
sleep arrive
teach stop
think cry
speak smile


1.Choose the verb in English.

God bless you!

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