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Nombre: Jesús David Romero Bustos

Actividad #1
Create sentences in imperative witch the following signs
1. No smooking.
2. Turn rigth.
3. Do not use a cell phone.
4. Let´s run .
5. Let´s take care of the planet.
6. Do not fish.
7. Think.
8. Banned parking.
9. Paper in the trash.
10.Don´t scream.
11.Wear the mask.
12.Wash your hands.

Actividad #2
1. Do not take pictures with flash.
2. Ask as many questions as you can.
3. Please do not eat or drink inside the museum.
4. Enjoy your visit as much as possible.
5. Turn off your mobile phone during your visit.
6. Do not touch the items on display asthey can break.
7. Do not smooke inside the museum – cigarettes are bad for you health.
8. Do not throw garbage on the floor.
9. Do not bring umbrellas or large packages to the museum.

Actividad # 1
I. Write the 3rd person singular of the verbs
1. I join – he joins
2. I like – he flies
3. I kiss –he kisses
4. I fly – he flies
5. I watch – he watches
6. I enjoy – he enjoys
7. I talk – he talks
8. I go – he goes
9. I teach – he teaches
10.I buy – she buys
11.I fisnish – she finishes
12.I cry – she cries
II. Use the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences, as in the
I live (live) in Edinburgh.
1. he

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