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Subiectul 1:

a. Write a letter to a friend of yours asking for a loan of some money which you urgently
require. Say why you want it and when you expect to be able to return it.
b. A famous English writer has arrived in your town. Write him a letter asking him to give a talk
to your school about his impressions of your country.

Subiectul 2:

Write a descriptive essay using the opening and ending paragraphs given bellow.

a. At about 10.30 in the morning there were signs that everybody in the city was getting
restless. People would come out of shops and look up at the sky; others would stop in the
middle of the street and either point or gaze upwards. To anyone that had not read in the
newspaper that there would be an eclipse of the sun at 11 o’clock, this must have seemed
very strange behavior indeed. As the time drew near, the crowds in the street either hurried
home or stood about waiting for something to happen.
b. Soon it was daytime again, and people went about their work as if nothing had happened.
The dark night in the middle of the day had passed.

Subiectul 3:

Write a reflective essay on one of the following topics. Make sure to include several of the language
functions studied throughout the semester (e.g. description, definition, exemplification, cause and
effect, etc)

a. If I could become invisible…

b. The strangest dream I ever had…
c. My most embarrassing moment.

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