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Re arrange the jumbled sentences onto a good and

meaningful paragraph. (Give the number on the box )

Text 1
Therefore, in the spring of 1945, fifty
nations sent their representatives toa
conference in San Francisco, USA, to
establish the United Nations
Organization for peace
Those delegates signed the United
Nations Charter on June 26, 1945.
After considering sites, the UN decided
to build its head quarters in New York
City beside the East River, which then
officially opened on 9 January 1951
In December 1945, the United States
requested that the UN build its head
quarters in the US.
World War II had caused millions of
casualties and countless people
suffering from hunger, poverty, and

Text 2
The Flag Incident that occurred at
Hotel Majapahit on 19 September 1945
was a very historic day for Surabaya
After hearing the gunshot, Surabaya
youngsters climbed up the hotel wall
and tried tori off the blue art of the
Dutch flag.
The incident took place when the
Dutch flag was raised at the hotel.
Ploegman refused and denied the
existence of the Republic of Indonesia,
then took out a gun and threatened
Resident Soedirman with it.
During that time, Resident Soedirman
entered the hotel and asked Ploegman,
a re representative of the Allies, to ut
down the Dutch flag.
Many of them were shot dead in their
effort to rip off the flag and raised the
red and white part to the top of the

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