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Questions 11.

*what do you thinks is the best movies genre? why?


-For me, the best genre of movies is action, because I find it

interesting how people live extreme experiences where adrenaline
runs through their bodies

*whats your favorite series or movie

-I don't have a favorite movie, but I really like the fast and furious
one and also the Kingsman.

*name one of the most popular series genre

-In my opinion it is the drama since several that several very popular
series are of this genre such as elite, riverdale, THE 100 and THE
for me the best is riverdale although the 100 is not far behind

*whos the most popular writter from your point of view

-for me it is roberto aguirre, scriptwriter of riverdale, marvel comic
among others.
I think he is a good writer since he knows how to generate drama
and release from there are many stories that generate curiosity,
intrigue and suspense

*how many books have you already read in your life and which your
favorite book?

If I'm not mistaken, I have read four books and very soon it will be
five. my favorite book is called el mesagero de argatha, it is my
favorite book because it tries to make known situations that are
happening in real life and that in themselves are ending the world.
It is a very cool book, I recommend it

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