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Even in this transient world, social media apps stayed, only because of our
dependence on it.
Good morning everyone, today I'm here to speak a few words on the topic,
social media and its impacts on our lives.

What's your favorite thing to do when you are alone or bored ? Let me guess,
scrolling through Instagram, Facebook or YouTube ? Well, if it is, you're not
alone. Social media has never failed to keep us entertained! Social media has
helped us connect, especially during this pandemic situation. It has given voice
to the silent, an uplift to the suppressed, a platform to discover talents and
whatnot ? But we often fail to understand that too much of anything can be
poisonous !

Have you heard the song "Jealousy Jealousy" by Olivia Rodrigo ? Well, that
was the first thing that came into my mind when I heard this topic ! In this song,
she explains how social media leads to comparison, jealousy and hatred. When I
was scrolling through the comments of this song, everyone were talking about
how relatable it was! Social media can make it appear as if everyone are having
a perfect and happy life, but people don't realize that no one's life is a bed full of
roses. Social media has got us craving for likes and has left us blue when see
negative comments.

Social media is also addictive. We often take our phones just to read a message
but will soon end up spending hours in it. This may cause distraction and lack of
confidence which ultimately leads to depression. Infact social media addiction
is one of the worst kinds of addictions. You might ask me about smoking, but
let me tell you a person who smokes, is at least aware of the fact that smoking is
injurious to health. But a social media addict may not be aware that he or she is
addicted or about the negative side of social media.

As we all know, a few days ago all the social media networks like Facebook,
Instagram and WhatsApp were down for a few hours. This was when a lot of
people realized the value of keeping their phones aside and enjoying their time
with family and friends. They realized that regardless of all the glitz and glam
portrayed on social media, real life connections take place offline. So, take a
break from social Media, spend your time with your family and friends, be
productive and read books, you'll be amazed by the wonders that they can

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