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True Senju Clan

he blood of the senjus is a descendant of
Ashura, known as a clan of talented, different
that many think, senjus do not use wood
release itself, they are just brilliant
Sen no te o motsu ichizoku
The Senju clan is a descendant of the youngest of the two
sons of the Sage of the Six Paths, who was born with the
"body" of the Sage, inheriting his father's strength of will and
physical energy and believed that love was the key to bringing
peace to the world. The Sage grew up to favor the ideals of
his youngest son over those of his eldest son, who believed
that power alone was the real key to finding peace. Therefore,
on his deathbed he was the youngest of the two brothers
whom the Sage chose to appoint as his successor. The older
brother, bitter and hateful for having denied what he thought
was his right to inherit, attacked his younger brother. The
Uchiha clan would descend from its older brother, resulting
in the secular rivalry between the bitter Senju and Uchiha.
The Senju clan gained its fame as one of the mercenary
clans for its powerful members. Where other clans focused
on the skill dominate a particular, Senju were masters of all
skills, from ninjutsu, to taijutsu, to genjutsu. Because of this,
they were feared as the clan with a thousand skills ("Sen no
te o motsu ichizoku").
Senju Features
Ability Score Increase: + 2 Int, +1 Cha
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Skill Proficiencies: Persuasion, History and Ninjutsu,
Genjutsu or Taijutsu.
Passive Affinity: You have Water Release Affinity
Quick Learning: Members of the Senju clan have a
superhuman ability to learn and master any technique, being
known as the clan of a thousand skills. When you try to learn
or create any jutsu, cut your learning / creation time in half.
Expanded Mind: You learn an additional jutsu at 1st, 3rd,
7th, 11th, 15th, and 18th levels.
Genius: Members of the senju clan are known to be geniuses
in various aspects of the ninja world, at 3st Level you can
choose an skill to have expertise, at 7th Level you can choose
your last skill.
Pure Chakra: You reduce the Jutsu Cost by -1 at 7th level, at
15th level you reduce the Upcast Jutsu by -1, at 18th level you
reduce all Jutsus cost by -1 (-2 on total).

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