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Write a function that, when passed an array and a target sum, returns, efficiently with respect to time
used, two distinct zero-based indices of any two of the numbers, whose sum is equal to the target sum.
If there are no two numbers, the function should return null.

For example, findTwoSum([ 3, 1, 5, 7, 5, 9 ], 10) should return an array containing any of the following
pairs of indices:

 0 and 3 (or 3 and 0) as 3 + 7 = 10

 1 and 5 (or 5 and 1) as 1 + 9 = 10
 2 and 4 (or 4 and 2) as 5 + 5 = 10

What are the advantages of HTTP 2.0 over HTTP 1.1?

HTTP 2.0 improves search engine rankings, consumes less broadband, and offers better loading speeds.

As a Web Developer, how do you optimize your site's loading time?

There are many different ways you can reduce the page load time, including cleaning the web code,
minimizing redirects, caching, choosing smaller images or reducing image size, removing extraneous
widgets, and reducing lookups. Explain to the hiring manager how you then check the speed (perhaps using
Google PageSpeed Insights) to verify the success of your actions, or to see if further effort is needed.

 Can you describe your workflow when you create a web page or web app?
 What specific languages are you working with?
 Which web development tools do you use?
 If you have five different style sheets, how would you best integrate them into the site?
 How do you organize your JavaScript code?
 How do you take into account SEO, maintainability, UX design, performance, and security when
you’re building a web application?
 Give an example of a website or web application that you don’t like. What would you change?
 How would you implement integer division if your language did not offer it?
 Vertically and horizontally center an element on the screen using CSS.
 Implement a SortedMap in JavaScript.
 How would you make your web pages load fast?
 Write a JavaScript function that creates HTML based on a given input dataset.
 How would you make this markup more accessible?
 Outline how you would implement a chess game in a programming language of your choice.
 What is the importance of CSS selectors? Where do you use them?
 How would you reverse a linked list?
 Design a webpage, which can auto-post new posts when you reach the bottom of the page by using

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