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Assalamu’alaikum wr.wb.

First of all, lets thanks to Allah SWT who has been giving some mercies and blessings so
we can gether in this place in the good condition and happy situation.

Secondly, sholawat and salam to our Propet Muhammad SAW, who has guided us from
the darkness to the brightness.

Thirdly, I dont forget to say thank you so much to the MC, all of my teachers, and all of
my beloved friends.

Let me introduce my self, my name is............................ and I am from EFC class.

Standing in front of you all, I would like to deliver my speech.

I am a student of sixth grade. I follow a simple routine. I get up at sharp 5 o’clock in the
morning. I pray to God, then I fresh up myself and take a bath. After that, I take my breakfast. It
consists of fried rice and milk.

After having my breakfast, I leave for school. I love to go to school. The teachers are
very nice. They pay attention to all of the students of the class, especially the weak students.
They tell the brilliant students to help the weaker students in their class.

I also help my teachers in their work. After coming from school, I take my lunch. After
that I take rest in one hour.

Thereafter, I complete my homework and go to sleep. I watch good TV serials on

Saturdays and go for outings on Sunday. I never forget to thank to Allah for giving all comforts
of life.

Thats all my speech, thank you for your nice attention. I am sorry for my mistakes. The
last, I say Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.

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