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DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D

by lanc1999

Use Python Scripts, a Raspberry Pi 3, and an L293D IC to run a DC motor at any speed in either direction.

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 1

Step 1: Materials and Tools


Raspberry Pi 3 (RPi)
L293D control IC
Jumper wires, Male to Male (M/M) and Female to Male (F/M)
DC Motor
9v Battery

**In this project, it is necessary to access the Raspberry Pi desktop. This can be done by plugging a monitor,
keyboard and mouse into the RPi or by using an SSH connection.**

No tools are necessary for this project as none of the connections are permanent and use jumper wires and a
breadboard. If you want to make a permanent, more durable version, simply make the same connections with a
soldering iron and some wire.


1. Raspberry Pi 3 1. BreadBoard
2. GPIO Header

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 2


1. DC Motor

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 3

Step 2: Background Info.

**This step is all background info. If you don't care To see how PWM looks as an output, refer to the
about how this is done and just want to do it without diagram above.
learning, skip to Step 3.**
The L293D motor IC uses two pins referred to as
In this project, we're using python scripts run on a inputs to sense the desired direction of the output,
Raspberry Pi to set GPIO outputs to an L293D motor and another pin called Enable to sense On/Off. So, in
controller IC and run a DC motor in either direction at our code, with the Enable pin On, if we want the
any speed. motor to spin forward, we'll set input 1 to 'True' or
'HIGH', and input 2 to 'False' or 'LOW'. And if we want
First things first; a Raspberry Pi is an open-source it to spin backwards, we'll set input 1 to 'False" or
credit card sized computer with 40 open GPIO pins. 'LOW' and input 2 to 'True' or "HIGH'. If both inputs
GPIO stands for "General Purpose Input/Output", are True or both are False, the motor will not run.
which means these pins can either send electrical
signals to drive hardware or receive them and read That's how we'll control the direction, but what about
sensor data. We're using them as outputs, to send speed? We talked about PWM right? So we'll just
signals to the L293D IC Chip, which is just a chip Pulse Width Modulate both inputs, right? We could,
used to control DC motors. Nothing special. but it would be too complicated. Since the IC has an
Enable pin that controls its On/Off state, we can leave
Python is a computer programming language, both inputs set to run and just modulate the Enable
comparable to Javascript or C++. We'll be using very pin, and the IC will only put out power according to
simple python commands, and no prior computer the duty we set in the Enable pin. That way we keep
programming knowledge will be necessary. the code simpler, and less things can go wrong.

The way we'll control the speed of the motor is by So, on the Raspberry Pi, we'll be using 3 GPIO
using a python module called PWM. That stands for output pins on the GPIO board, one 3.3V power
Pulse Width Modulation. What PWM means is just supply, and one grounding pin. 2 of the output pins
controlling the amount of time a voltage is on by will be for the inputs on the IC, and one will be for the
flipping between high and low for a set amount of Enable.
time. The amount of time the voltage is high is called
the 'duty' or 'duty cycle', and whatever percentage Now that we know what will be going on, it's time to
that is will be the percentage of power the motor runs start wiring it up.

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 4

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 5
Step 3: Hardware Setup

The pictures above probably look like a confusing To know which end of the IC Chip is which, look for a
jumble of wires, but don't worry. little semi-circle notch on one end that corresponds to
the diagram above.
The first thing to do is put the L293D chip on the
breadboard. Your breadboard should have a split Now that you have your L293D IC on the breadboard,
down the middle, like a gap, and the IC chip should first we're going to connect the M/F jumpers to the
straddle it nicely with half of its pins on either side, so RPi. So, on your breadboard, put the male end of the
it runs parallel with the board. jumpers into the slots next to: Vss, Enable 1, Input 1,
Input 2, and either GND pin on the left side. There
Next, it's important to plug the wires into the correct should be 5 wires ready to be connected to the RPi.
breadboard slots, so I recommend color coding the Refer to the diagram above for the pin numbers. Now,
wires. I use red for positive power connections, black connect the wire from Vss (I'm hoping you made it
for negative power connections (grounds), blue for red) to the 5V power on the Pi, or pin #1. Next,
inputs from the RPi, and orange for the outputs to the connect your GND jumper (again, hopefully black) to
motor. the GND pin, or pin #6. After that, connect the Input 1
jumper to GPIO2, or pin #3. Then connect the jumper
You might notice that there are two sets of power from input 2 to GPIO3, or pin #5. Lastly, connect the
cables. That's because the DC motor should be Enable 1 jumper to GPIO4, or pin #7. There you go,
running on at least 9V and 400mA, but the motor no more M/F jumpers left! Halfway there!
control IC runs on either 5V or 3.3V and less than
20mA. So in this setup, the IC chip is taking 3.3V of So, now grab the M/M jumpers. One of these should
power and connected via a ground (negative power go from the Vs pin on the IC to the positive end of
plug) to the RPI. Then it also has 9V of power and a your 9V. There's lots of ways to make it stay on the
ground coming from the battery, which it routes battery, but tape is fine as long as both metal ends
through the chip to the motor. Important: Do not are touching solidly. Connect the negative end of the
attempt to draw 9V and 400mA off the RPi or run battery to the other GND pin on your IC with a black
9V through the IC Chip. This could damage your M/M jumper. Lastly, just wire both of the output pins
RPi and/or your L293D. To make sure you route the on your IC to the ends of the motor! That's it!
voltages to the correct pins, use the diagram above. Everything is now wired exactly how it needs to be,
no more hardware work. On to software.

1 2

1. *Use this side of the chip* 1. These pins

2. This is the only pin used on this side 2. And these two

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 6

Step 4: Software Setup

First, we need to open a program on the Pi to write our code. We're going to use IDLE 2, so go to the top left of
your desktop, click Menu, click Programming, and click Python 2(IDLE). You should see a blank text editor with an
untitled document.

The first thing we need to do is import the GPIO module. So, on the first line, type exactly, CaSe sensitive,

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

this imports the GPIO module

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 7
next, we need a command called 'sleep', so write

from time import sleep

next we need to name all of the pins, so set the naming mode by writing


this sets the names to board mode, which just names the pins according to the numbers in the middle of the
diagram above.

now we need to set the pins as outputs, so write

GPIO.setup(03, GPIO.OUT)

GPIO.setup(05, GPIO.OUT)

GPIO.setup(07, GPIO.OUT)

now to setup the pwm commands type

pwm=GPIO.PWM(07, 100)

next start the Pulse Width Modulation with 0 duty so it doesn't run yet


The rest of the code changes depending on the way we want to run the motor. For this first pass, we're just going
to set up predefined instructions in the code. Later, I'll explain how to make a code that lets you input whatever
direction, duty, and duration you want to.

So, for now, we're going to write a code that runs forward at 50% power for 2 seconds, then runs backward at 75%
power for 3 seconds.

First, to set the direction to forward write

GPIO.output(03, True)

GPIO.output(05, False)

Now, we're going to set the PWM duty to 50%. Write


then turn on the Enable pin

GPIO.output(07, True)

then put the code to sleep for 2 seconds so the motor runs
DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 8

now turn off the Enable pin

GPIO.output(07, False)

then reverse the inputs to set it to reverse

GPIO.output(03, False)

GPIO.output(05, True)

Then change the PWM duty to 75%


then turn the enable back on

GPIO.output(07, True)

put the code to sleep for 3 seconds


then turn the enable pin back off

GPIO.output(07, False)

stop the Pulse


and cleanup all of the GPIO channels.


And that's it! You now have a code that will run your motor forwards at 50% for two seconds then backwards at
75% for 3 seconds. Press F5, then save to test your code!

*Note: you may receive an error that says the selected GPIO channels are already in use. This won't affect your
project, and you can make the warnings stop appearing by writing "GPIO.setwarnings(False)" to your code.*

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 9

DC Motor Control With Raspberry Pi and L293D: Page 10

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